2 Nov 2023

Written Exam (OMR Based) of TGT Punjabi (ROH) & Scientific Staff Group-C

Written Examination (OMR Based) of TGT Punjabi (ROH) & various posts of Scientific Staff Group-C

Haryana Staff Selection Commission will hold the written examination (OMR Based) for the post of TGT Punjabi (ROH) against Advt. No. 4/2023, Cat. No. 01 of Elementary Education Department, Haryana and various posts of Scientific Staff Group-C for Forensic Science Laboratory against Advt. No. 5/2023, Cat. No. 01 to 16 of Police Department, Haryana, as per schedule below: - 
1. TGT Punjabi (ROH) 4/2023 01 19.11.2023 (Sunday) (Morning Session) from 10:15 A.M to 12:00 Noon Reporting Time 08:30 A.M. (No Entry after 09:30 A.M.) As per admit card 
2. Senior Scientific Assistant (Ballistic) Senior Scientific Assistant (Documents) Scientific Assistant (Ballistics) (For Cat. No. 3, 4 & 9, there will be Common Question Paper) 5/2023 03 04 09 19.11.2023 (Sunday) (Evening Session) from 03:15 P.M. to 05:00 P.M. Reporting time 01.30 P.M. (No Entry after 02.30 P.M.) 
3. Dark Room Attendant 5/2023 16 25.11.2023 (Saturday) (Evening Session) from 03:15 P.M. to 05:00 P.M. Reporting time 01.30 P.M. (No Entry after 02.30 P.M.) 
4. Laboratory Assistant (Chemistry) Laboratory Assistant (Ballistics) Laboratory Assistant (Documents) Laboratory Assistant (Biology) Laboratory Assistant (Serology) (For Cat. No. 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15, there will be Common Question Paper) 5/2023 11 12 13 14 15 26.11.2023 (Sunday) (Morning Session) from 10:15 A.M to 12:00 Noon Reporting Time 08:30 A.M. (No Entry after 09:30 A.M.) 
5. Senior Scientific Assistant (Biology) Senior Scientific Assistant (SOC) Senior Scientific Assistant (Serology) Scientific Assistant (Serology) Scientific Assistant (SOC) Scientific Assistant (Biology) Scientific Assistant (Chemistry) (For Cat. No. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 10, there will be Common Question Paper) 5/2023 1 2 5 6 7 8 10 26.11.2023 (Sunday) (Evening Session) from 03:15 P.M. to 05:00 P.M. Reporting time 01.30 P.M. (No Entry after 02.30 P.M.) 

2. Selection Criteria and Other Instructions 

Total Marks: 100 
I. Written Examination-95 Marks 
II. The total no. of questions will be 100 with weightage of 0.95 marks for each question. 
There shall be no negative marking for wrong answer. 
At least one of the five options for each question shall be filled necessarily. Five Minutes extra shall be given to mark fifth option, if candidate does not know the answer. Total time allowed for the paper will be (100+5) =105 minutes including these five minutes. 
In case a candidate doesn’t mark any of the five options for a question then 0.95 marks for each un-attempted question shall be deducted. Each question will carry equal marks. 
III. Socio-Economic criteria and experience- 05 Marks 
Note: - 
No applicant shall be given more than 5 marks for socio-economic criteria and experience under any circumstances. 

Admit Cards-

Admit Card for written examination of the candidates will be uploaded on the Commission’s Web-site i.e. www.hssc.gov.in shortly. 
Candidates are advised to read the instructions on the Admit Card carefully and follow the same strictly.

30 Oct 2023

HTET 2023 Schedule, Eligibility, Syllabus & Registration

HTET 2023 Schedule, Eligibility, Syllabus & Registration 

Board of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani will hold Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test 2023 (HTET - 2023) on 02.12.2023 an 03.12.2023 as per schedule given below-

Registration start date  

30.10.2023 (w.e.f. 05.00 pm) 

Last date  

10.11.2023 (upto 11.59 pm) 

Last date for fee payment  

10.11.2023 (upto 11.59 pm) 

Correction facility  

11.11.2023 to 12.11.2023 

Uploading of Admit Card  


HTET PGT Level-3 

02.12.2023 (03:00 pm to 05:30 pm Evening)   

HTET TGT Level- 2

HTET PRT Level- 1 

03.12.2023 (10:00 am to 12:30 pm Morning)

03.12.2023 03:00 pm to 05:30 pm Evening



Application Fee-


For One Level only 

For Two Levels 

For Three Levels 

SC and PH Candidates of Haryana Domicile 

Rs. 500/- 

 Rs. 900/-  

Rs. 1200/- 

For All Candidates except SC and PH  of Haryana Domicile 

Rs. 1000/- 

Rs. 1800/- 

Rs. 2400/- 

All Candidates outside Haryana (Including SC & PH) 

Rs. 1000/- 

Rs. 1800/- 

Rs. 2400/- 

For Eligibility and Syllabus etc- Click here

16 Oct 2023

Haryana CET Group D Admit Card

Haryana CET Group D Admit Card

National Testing Agency is conducting the written examination (OMR Based) of Common Eligibility Test (CET) for various Group-D posts against Advt. No. 01/2023 on behalf of HSSC in Pen & Paper Mode (Offline) on 21st & 22nd October, 2023 in U.T. Chandigarh and different Cities/ Districts in the State of Haryana, as per the following timings: 
Date and Shift of Examination: Date Shifts 21 and 22 October, 2023 
Morning : 10:00 AM to 11:45 AM 
Evening : 03:00 PM to 04:45 PM (including 5 minute for marking fifth option) 

Admit Card 

Candidates can download their Admit Card using their Registration No. and Date of Birth on the link https://testservices.nic.in/Admitcard/Admitcard/Login?apprefno=101552311 available at https://www.hssc.gov.in and https://onetimeregn.haryana.gov.in

To download Admit Card- Click here


In case any candidate faces difficulty in downloading the Examination Admit Card, he/she can write to E-mail: hcet@nta.ac.in or call at helpline number: 011-40759000, 011-69227700.

1 Oct 2023

UGC – NET December 2023 Schedule

UGC NET December 2023  Schedule

The National Testing Agency (NTA) will conduct UGC – NET December 2023 for ‘Junior Research Fellowship’ and eligibility for ‘Assistant Professor’ in 83 subjects in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode.

The schedule of UGC-NET December 2023, are as follows:

Submission of Online Application Form
30 September 2023 to 28 October 2023
(upto 05:00 P.M.) 
Last date for submission of Examination fee (through Credit Card/ Debit Card/Net Banking /UPI 

29 October 2023 (upto 11:50 P.M.) 

Correction in the Particulars in Online Application Form 

30 – 31 October 2023 (upto 11:50 P.M) 

Announcement of City of Exam Centre 

Last week of the November 2023 

Downloading of Admit Card from NTA Website 

First week of the December 2023 

Dates of Examination 

06 December 2023 to 22 December 2023 

Centre, Date and Shift 

As indicated on Admit Card

Display of Recorded Responses and Answer Key(s) 

To be announced later on the website 


https://ugcnet.nta.ac.in / www.nta.ac.in 

Application Fee 

General/ Unreserved Rs. 1150/-
General-EWS/OBC-NCL Rs. 600/-
SC/ST/PwD/ Third Gender Rs. 325/- 

Important Instructions

1. Candidates can apply for UGC - NET December 2023 through the “Online” mode only on the website https://ugcnet.nta.ac.in. The Application Form in any other mode will not be accepted.

2. Only one application is to be submitted by a candidate. Candidates will not be allowed to fill more than one Application Form. Strict action will be taken, even at a later stage, against such candidates who have filled more than one Application Form.

3. Candidates must strictly follow the instructions given in the Information Bulletin available on the NTA website.

4. Candidates must ensure that the e-mail address and Mobile Number provided in the Online Application Form are their own or Parents/Guardians only as all information/ communication will be sent by NTA through e-mail on the registered e-mail address or SMS on the registered Mobile Number only.

5. In case any candidate faces difficulty in applying for UGC NET December 2023, he/she may contact on 011 - 40759000 /011 - 69227700 or e-mail at ugcnet@nta.ac.in 
For further clarification related to the UGC NET December 2023, the Candidates are advised to visit the official website(s) of NTA (www.nta.ac.in) and (https://ugcnet.nta.ac.in/, for the latest updates.

29 Sept 2023

HPSC PGT Computer Science Exam. 01.10.2023 Postponed

HPSC PGT Computer Science Exam. 01.10.2023 Postponed 

Haryana Public Service Commission i.e. HPSC has postponed the Subject Knowledge Test for the post of PGT Computer Science for Rest of Haryana and Mewat Cadre which was scheduled for 01.10.2023 due to High Court orders dated 28.09.2023 in CWP no. 13816 of 2020. 

According to HPSC notification fresh date for Subject Knowledge Test would be announced later on. 

24 Sept 2023

Admit Card HPSC PGT Computer Science ROH & Mewat Cadre

Admit Card HPSC PGT Computer Science Rest of Haryana & Mewat Cadre

Haryana Public Service Commission will hold Subject Knowledge Test for the post of Post Graduate Teacher/ PGT Computer Science for Rest of Haryana and Mewat cadre on 01.10.2023.

Admit cards for the above said examination are available on the official website of HPSC. Now candidates can download their admit cards from the HPSC website, using their phone number and application number. 

To download Admit Card visit the link- 

5 Sept 2023

Admit Card for PGT Recruitment Test 9th & 10 September

Admit Card for PGT Recruitment Test to be held on 9th & 10 September, 2023 

Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) has uploaded the admit cards of all eligible candidates on its official website for the various posts of PGTs to be held on 09th and 10th September, 2023.

Candidates can download their Admit Card from their login by entering Mobile number and Captcha. 

To download Admit Card visit the official website at https://regn.hpsc.gov.in/site/login