Showing posts with label Advertisement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advertisement. Show all posts

25 Feb 2025

AIIMS Nursing Officer Recruitment Common Eligibility Test (NORCET) 8

Nursing Officer Recruitment Common Eligibility Test 2025 (NORCET) 8 

Online Application is invited for the Nursing Officer Recruitment Common Eligibility Test (NORCET) 8 for the recruitment of Nursing Officer posts at Level 07 in the Pay Matrix pre-revised Pay Band-2 of Rs.9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs.4600/-, Group-B for AIIMS New Delhi and other AIIMS as per available vacancies in the respective Institutes.

Key Dates-

The On-line applications can be done through AIIMS web site from 24.02.2025 to 17.03.2025 up to 5:00 P.M
Online (CBT) for Stage I: NORCET Preliminary, Date: 12th April, 2025 (Saturday),
Online (CBT) for Stage II: NORCET Mains, Date: 2nd May, 2025 (Friday

Essential Qualification

a. B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing / B.Sc. Nursing from an Indian Nursing Council/stateNursing council recognized Institute or University
B.Sc. (Post-Certificate) / Post-Basic B.Sc. Nursing from an Indian Nursing
Council/State Nursing council recognized Institute/ University.
b. Registered as Nurses & Midwife with State / Indian Nursing Council


a. Diploma in General Nursing Midwifery from an Indian Nursing Council/State Nursing council recognized Institute / Board or Council
b. Registered as Nurses & Midwife in State / Indian Nursing Council.
c. Two Years’ Experience in a minimum 50 bedded Hospital after acquiring
the educational qualification mentioned above as applicable for all Participating AIIMS.
Remarks - The required two years of experience as in above is as an essential criterion and to be valid, the experience shall must be acquired after obtaining Essential Qualification, i.e. after completing residency period of the course, declaration of result & registration with State/Indian Nursing Council.

Age Limit: For all AIIMS: 

Between 18-30 Years. (As per detail on Age relaxation given in General Conditions subject to age Relaxation as per Recruitment rules of respective Institutes/Hospitals.)
All age shall be counted on the last date of closing of application form.


A) General/OBC Candidates - Rs.3000/- (Rupees Three Thousand only)
B) SC/ST Candidates/EWS - Rs.2400/- (Rupees Twenty-Four Hundred only)
C) Persons with Disabilities - Exempted
 The candidate can pay the prescribed application fee through DEBIT CARD/CREDIT CARD/NET BANKING. Transaction / Processing fee, if any, as applicable, will be payable to the bank by the candidate.
 Application fee once remitted shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
 Applications without the prescribed fee would not be considered and summarily rejected.
 Application Fees of SC/ST candidates who appear in the Examination will be refunded after declaration of results in due course of time after verification SC/ST certificate to be uploaded at a later stage.

16 Feb 2025

Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Recruitment Schedule - 2025

GDS Online Engagement Schedule-I, January - 2025

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to fill the vacant posts of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDSs) i.e. Branch Postmaster (BPM)/Assistant Branch Postmaster (ABPM)/Dak Sevaks in different offices of the Department of Posts. 
The applications are to be submitted online at the following link


1. Registration and submission of online applications 10.02.2025 to 03.03.2025 
2. Edit/Correction window 06.03.2025 to 08.03.2025


The GDSs are paid emoluments in form of Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA), which carry an annual increase of 3%, subject to fulfillment of conditions, as given in the GDS Rules. They are also entitled to Dearness Allowance on TRCA, as declared by the Govt. of India from time to time. The GDSs are also entitled to some other allowances and social security benefits, which include, GDS Gratuity and Service Discharge Benefit Scheme (akin to National Pension System applicable to regular employees), whose details are given under the GDS Rules and official website of the Department. 
The initial engagement of GDS is made in the following basic TRCA Slabs: 
1. BPM Rs.12,000/- to Rs.29,380/- 
2. ABPM/Dak Sevak Rs.10,000/- to Rs.24,470/- 


 AGE Limits: 
 i. Minimum age: 18 years Maximum age: 40 years (Relaxations in upper age limit will be given as per rules)
 ii. Age will be determined as on the last date of submission of applications. 


(a) Educational qualification for engagement of GDS is Secondary School Examination pass certificate of 10th standard with passing marks in Mathematics and English conducted by any recognized Board of School Education by the Government of India/State Governments/ Union Territories in India. 
 (b) The applicant should have studied the local language at least up to 10th Standard from a recognized board. The detail of post-wise local language prescribed by the Department is given in the Annexure-III.


 i. Knowledge of computer 
ii. Knowledge of cycling 
iii. Adequate means of livelihood 


Applications are to be submitted in the online mode only at Applications received from any other mode shall not be entertained and no communication in this respect will be entertained/replied. 

25 Jun 2023

HPSC PGT Recruitment 2023

PGT Recruitment in Haryana 2023 

Date of Publication- 24.06.2023 
Opening date for submission of online applications- 28.06.2023 
Closing date for submission of online applications- 18.07.2023

The Haryana Public Service Commission invites online applications from eligible candidates for the posts of Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs) in various subjects list given below for Rest of Haryana Cadre and Mewat Cadre for which the Guidelines / steps for submission of online application form by the candidates are as under:-

1. Candidates have to compulsorily register online by visiting directly OR through for submitting their online application form. 
2. After registration, a login ID would be created and the candidates will have to complete the registration process by using the login ID. 
3. After completion of registration, the candidates can apply against the respective advertisement as per their qualifications. 
4. Duly filled application form can be submitted only after payment of requisite fee. 
5. After making payment, the candidates have to take a printout of their application form and upload the same after duly checking & signing it. 
6. Application process would be completed only after submission of duly signed application form by the candidates. 

Scheme/Pattern of PGT Exam :- 

PGT Screening Test 

a) Total number of MCQs: 100 
(i) Around 80% of the total questions will be from the concemed subjects as per syllabus enclosed at Annexure-I. Remaining questions will be from the topics of Educational Psychology, Pedagogy, General Awareness, General Mental Ability, Comprehension, Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability, Decision making and problem solving, Basic numeracy, Data interpretation and the questions related to History, Geography, Polity, Economy and Culture of Haryana. 
b) Time duration of the exam: 02 hours 
c) Total Marks: 100 
d) All questions carry equal marks. 
e) Each question will have five options (A, B, C, D and E). If a candidate is attempting a question, she/he shall have to darken the appropriate circle A, B, C or D and if not attempting a question then, she/he shall have to darken E circle. If no circle is darkened, one fourth (0.25) mark shall be deducted. 
f) If a candidate not darkening any of the five circles in more than 10% questions shall be disqualified. 
g) One-fourth mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. 
h) The examination paper will only be in English language. 
i) Candidates four times the numbers of advertised posts, including bracketed candidates if any, category-wise, will be called for the next stage of selection process, provided that they have secured the minimum cut-off marks of 25% in the screening test. 
j) In cases, where the total number of applicants is less or nearly four times the number of advertised posts, the Commission reserves its right to call the candidates directly for the subject knowledge test. 
k) The marks obtained by the candidates in the screening test will not be counted for final selection because it is only for short listing of category-wise candidates, for the subject knowledge test. 

PGT Subject Knowledge Test 

a) Time duration of exam: 03 hours 
b) Total Marks : 150 
c) The syllabus is enclosed at Annexure-I. 
d) The examination paper will only be in English language. 
e) The numbers of the candidates to be called for interview will be two times, including bracketed candidates if any, of the number of category-wise advertised posts provided that they have secured the minimum cut-off marks of 35%. 
f) The weightage of the subject knowledge test will be 87.5%. 

3. Interview/Viva-Voce 

The weightage of the interview will be 12.5%. The final merit list will be prepared by adding the marks of the subject knowledge test and interview/viva-voce

Documents to be uploaded with Application Form: 

1. Scanned Photo duly signed by the Candidate. 
2. Scanned Signature ofthe Candidate. 
3. Scanned copies of degrees and mark sheets of Educational Qualifications. 
4. Scanned copy of SC/BC-AiBC-B/EWS/ESM,DESM/DFF certificate. BC-A & BC-B certificate issued in the year 2023-2024 as per Latest Govemment Instruction dated 17.11.2021 and 22.03.2022. EWS Certificate should be valid for the year 2023-2024. 
5. Scanned copy of PwBD Certificate. (For PwBD). 
6. Scanned copy of Haryana Bonafide Resident Certihcate. 
7. Scanned copy of NOC from Department (For Haryana Govt. Employees who have signed Bond) 
8. Scanned copy of proof of having worked on adhoc/contract/workcharged/daily wages basis in any Department / Board / Corporation of Haryana Government (For candidates claiming benefit of age relaxation). 
9. Scanned copy of Aadhar and Parivaar Pehchaan Patra duly signed by the candidate.

Application Fee-

1 For Male candidates of General category. 1000/- 
2. For all Female candidates. 250/-
3 (i) For Male candidates of SC / BC-A (Non Creamy Layer) / BC-B (Non Creamy Layer) I ESM categories who are bonafide residents of Haryana only. 250/-
(ii) Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) who are bonafide residents of Haryana only. 250/- 
4. Disabilities category candidates (with at who are bonafide residents of Haryana For all Persons with least 40%o disability) only. NIL

31 May 2023

Haryana Group D Recruitment 2023 Schedule

Haryana Group D Recruitment 2023 Applications, Eligibility and Syllabus

Online application are invited by Haryana Staff Selection Commission for recruitment of 13536 posts of Group D in various Departments/ Commission/ Boards/ Corporations/ Authorities/ Agency/ Co-Operative  Societies of Govt. of Haryana as per schedule given below-



Date of publication  


Opening date for submission of online applications 


Closing date for submission of online application 


Closing date for deposit of fee 


Candidates who have already registered on the designated portal i.e. may amend/update their registration form/application form and upload all mandatory documents with the application form upto the last/closing date. 
In case applicant do not edit/amend his/her registration form then his/her already submitted form will be deemed accepted for CET Group-D. After closing date no further chance for registration/updation/upload will be given. 
Eligibility of the candidate shall be considered on closing date of this advertisement as regards his/her category (SC,ESP, EWS, BCA, BCB, ESM etc.). 
A candidate who has already applied but has now become overage shall be considered eligible. 
Applicants shall be eligible to appear in the Common Eligibility Test (CET) Group-D proposed to be conducted in near future, subject to the terms and conditions mentioned in the notification of Government dated 5th May, 2022, as amended on 31st May, 2022 and HARYANA GROUP-D EMPLOYEES (RECRUITMENT AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE) ACT, 2018 (HARYANA ACT NO. 5 OF 2018)

All fresh applicants shall register/apply on a designated portal i.e. by 26.06.2023 upto 11:59 P.M. Applicants shall ensure filling of all columns of application form with true and accurate information and to upload all documents/certificates in support of any claim including claim for reservation, educational qualifications, experience, socio economic criteria weightage etc. as per specified proforma. In absence of relevant supporting document as per specified proforma, claim of applicant will be rejected summarily. In case of candidate submitting wrong particulars/claims, his candidature shall be liable to be cancelled. 
The last date (closing date) for registration for CET Group D is 26.06.2023 upto 11:59 P.M., and for fees confirmation is 30.06.2023. After closing date no further chance for registration/updation/uploading of documents will be given. 


13536 Posts of Group-D in various Departments/ Commission/ Boards/ Corporations/ Authorities/ Agency/ Co-Operative  Societies of Govt. of Haryana.


Educational Qualification: - 

Common for all Group-D posts except Sweepers, Chowkidar and Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar 
i) Matriculation from recognized Board 
ii) Hindi/Sanskrit upto matriculation as one of the subject. 
 Age: 18-42 years. 
 Pay Scale: Level is DL i.e. 16900-53500 + applicable spl. Pay 

Application Fee-

Rs. 250/- to 1000/- category wise.

Syllabus for Group D:- 

General Awareness: 

(i) The test will include questions relating to India and neigh boring countries, especially pertaining to History, Indian Polity & Constitution, Art & Culture, Geography. (15% Weightage) 
(ii) General Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology). (15% Weightage)


Alphabetical order, series, Coding-decoding, direction and distance, order and ranking, blood relation, analogy, classification, clock, calendar, mirror image, water image, syllogism, sitting arrangement, inserting the missing characters, statement and assumption, statement and conclusion, counting figures, Non-verbal series, analogy and classification. (10% Weightage) 

Quantitative Ability: 

The test will cover Number System including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, Relationship between numbers. L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, roots, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Partnership business, Mixture and Allegation, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Trigonometry, basic Algebra, Geometry. (15% Weightage) 

English Language: 

English Grammar, Spot the Error, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/ Detecting mis-spelt words, Idioms & Phrases, Improvement of Sentences, Active/ Passive Voice of Verbs, Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narration, Shuffling of Sentence parts, tenses. (10% Weightage) 

Hindi Language: 

वर्ण, स्वर, व्यंजन, शब्द, संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण, क्रिया, क्रियाविशेषण, वचन, लिंग, कारक, काल, तद्भव, तत्सम शब्द, अलंकार, विकारी शब्द, अविकारी शब्द, पद, पदबंध, मुहावरे, लोकोक्तियाँ, संधि, उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, समास, पर्यायवाची, विलोम, अनेकार्थी शब्द, वाक्य शोधन, विराम चिह्न, अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द| (10% Weightage) 

General Knowledge of Haryana: 

General awareness which includes History, Literature, Geography, Economy, Civics, Polity, Environment, Art, Culture, Customs, Society, Current Affairs. Events etc. of Haryana (25% weightage)


The online application/registration can be filled up using URL address i.e.


Scanned Copy of Essential Academic Qualifications and Matriculation Certificate or equivalent showing Date of Birth and other relevant details. 
2. Scanned Photograph (2 inch X 2 inch) in JPEG (.jpg) file format. 
3. Scanned signatures of the Candidate. 
4. Scanned copy of all documents showing higher qualification, experience etc. as per criteria if applicable. 
5. Experience Certificate for socio economic claim and age relaxation as per Annexure-III. 
6. Certificate in support of claiming benefit of relaxation/reservation under sports category. 
7. Any other relevant document/certificate on the basis of which the applicant is claiming benefit of any relaxation or reservation. 

For more details view PDF notice- Click here

23 May 2023

HSSC Notice regarding forego/withdraw socio-economic claim

HSSC Notice regarding forego/withdraw socio-economic claim

All candidates who have applied for the post of TGT against Advt. No.2/2023 under Cat. No. 12 and 01, 2 & 18, 3 & 14, 4 & 15, 05 & 16, 6 & 10, 9 & 7, 8 & 11, 13, 17 and claimed socio-economic marks in the application form submitted by them, are hereby granted an opportunity to withdraw/forego the marks which are falsely/inadvertently claimed by them. 

The candidates are directed to go through relevant instructions regarding socioeconomic marks as mentioned in advertisement very carefully and ensure that they possess documents to prove their claim for the same or they should withdraw the same. 
After the last date mentioned in this notice no further request to withdraw or forego the marks shall be entertained by the Commission in any case. 

The Commission shall also upload the complete data of all the candidates who have claimed marks under socioeconomic criteria in the public domain. After the notice period the Commission/ concerned department shall get the verification of claim done and if a candidate is found guilty of any incorrect/false claim then following actions shall be taken against him/her:- 

1. The Commission shall reject the candidature of such candidate in all examinations without any chance of redressal, irrespective of his marks in written examination. 
2. Candidate shall be debarred to appear in any other exam conducted by HSSC/HPSC or any Govt. Department/Corporation/Board or any Organization of Govt. of Haryana for a period of three years. 
3. The candidate shall be liable for punishment as per law and criminal proceedings shall be taken against him/her under any penal law or any other law for time being in force for providing wrong information to obtain marks with malafide intent. 

All candidates who have falsely/inadvertently claimed socio-economic marks are advised to forego/withdraw their socio-economic claim from dated 24.05.2023 to 27.05.2023 upto 11:59 P.M on designated portal i.e. where after the link will be disabled. 

It may be toed that no further opportunity for filling or editing applications shall be given under any circumstances.

21 May 2023

Chandigarh Police Constable (Executive) Recruitment for 700 posts

Recruitment Notice for 700 vacancies of Constable (Executive) in Chandigarh Police

Online applications are invited for direct recruitment of 700 Temporary posts of Constable(Executive) of Group C in the pay scale  of Central Pay Level-3 (Revised) as per 7th CPC plus allowances through URL from 01.06.2023 to 22.06.2023 till 11:59 P.M 

Key Dates-



Date of publication of Advertisement 


Opening date for submission of online applications 


Closing date for submission of online applications 


Tentative Date of Written exam 

23.07 .2023 


Detail of Posts-

Total Posts- 700 include 23 backlog vacancies of different categories
































Eligibility Standards for these posts are as under:- 
(i) Age as on 20.05.2023: 
18-25 years (General Category) 
18-28 years (OBC Category) 
18-30 years (SC Category) 

Age Relaxation:- 

Relaxable up to the maximum age of 45 years for Ex-Servicemen/ wives o.f Ex-servicemen as on the cut-off date prescribed for the recruitment i.e. 20.5.2023 
b) Upto seven years relaxation for Chandigarh Home Guard Volunteers provided they are working/on roll continuously for the last 2 years or more, as on 20.05.2023, as under:- 
i) 2 years relaxation for those with a service of 2 years. 
ii) 3 years relaxation for those with a service of 3 years. 
iii) 4 years relaxation for those with a service of 4 years
iv) 5 years relaxation for those with a service of 5 years. 
v) 6 years relaxation for those with a service of 6 years. 
vi) 7 years relaxation for those with a service of 7 years. 

c) Relaxation for wards of working or retired or deceased (except dismissed, compulsory retired or removed from service) Chandigarh Police employees as under:
i) 2 years relaxation for wards of Serving and retired (living or deceased) employees 
ii) 3 years relaxation for wards of those who died in service 

d) Departmental candidates of Chandigarh Police upto 40 years as on 20.5.2023

(ii) Minimum Educational Qualification: 10+2 or equivalent

*For Ex-Servicemen, 10+2 or Certificates awarded in the Defance Services which are recognized as equivalent to 10+2

Driving Skills

Possession of a valid driving license to drive both, two-wheeler and four-wheel vehicles, is mandatory tor male candidates of all categories as on the date of submission of online application.

Computer Skills:- 

ICT course is mandatory at entry level as per instructions issued by the Chandigarh Administration vide letter No.28/69-IH(12)/Pers. & Trg-2019/17927 doted 25.11.2019. 
Relevant paragraphs from the aforesaid instructions are reproduced below- 
1) The following ICT skills courses are mandatory for all fresh recruitment (Entry Level) and for promotions/grant of benefit under Assured Career Progression Scheme (ACPS) to all Group "A", "B" , "C" and "D" employees of the Chandigarh Administration :- 
2. Course on Computer Concepts (CCC)-80 hours Group- C 

The candidates who have Certificates/Diplomas/Bachelor's OR Master's Degree in Computer Science from a  recognized institution/University shall be exempted from ICT Skills training course. 
The candidates at entry level will submit the certificates of ICT Skills training Course for the above said duration (Group-wise) from a Govt. recognized institution OR a reputed institution which is an ISO 9001 certified OR Deportment of Electronics Accreditation of Computer Course (DOEACC), Govt. of India OR from NIELIT and its authorized institutions at the time of their appointments.

Application Fee-

UR and OBC- Rs. 1000/- 
SC and EWS- Rs. 800/- 
Ex-servicemen- Exempted

Criteria for Selection, Examination & Syllabus:- 

Written Test: - 

All candidates (including ex-servicemen) shall be put through a OMR Sheet-based written test which shall carry 100 marks. 
The questions shall be multiple choice objective types and will carry one mark for every correct answer and a negative marking of 0.25 for every wrong answer. 
The question paper for the Written Test shall be in Hindi, English and Punjabi. 
Each candidate will be given the test paper only in the language selected by the candidate during the application process. 
Change of medium will not be permitted. 

Cut off Marks for written test/CBT/OMR

The minimum qualifying cut-off marks in the written exam/CBT/OMR for each category shall be as follows:- 
General Candidates 40%
SC Candidates 35%
OBC Candidates 35%
Ex-Servicemen Candidates 30%

Bonus Marks: 

Incentives to NCC Certificate holders will be granted at the following scales as per the instructions of the Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs issued vide letter No.lV/16011/25/2020-CSR-ll dated 20.04 .2020:- 
NCC "C" Certificate 5% of the maximum marks of the examination
NCC "B" Certificate 3% of the maximum marks of the examination
NCC "A" Certificate 2% of the maximum marks of the examination

Syllabus for Chandigarh Police Constable:- 

OMR sheet-based written test shall include questions on:- 
General Knowledge/Current Affairs - 
Numerical Ability

How to Apply-

Apply online through the link given below from 01.06.2023 to 22.06.2023 till 11:59 P.M

For height, PE, MT and other details view PDF notice- Click here

16 Apr 2023

Application for Group C Posts, Advt. No. 3/2023

Application for Group C Posts, Advt. No. 3/2023

Reference CET (Common Eligibility Test) through Advertisement no. 3/2023 published on 07.03.2023 and amended on 20.03.2023. It is informed to all candidates that the new opening date for submission of online applications is 15.04.2023 and closing date for submission of online applications is 05.05.2023 at 11.59 PM on designated portal i.e. or  

Note: - 

1. The cut off date for maximum age limit shall be 16.03.2023 while for all purposes including minimum age limit cut off date shall be 05.05.2023. 
2. The candidate who qualified/provisionally qualified/declared disqualified but have filed claims under Eligible Sports Persons (ESP) Category may apply against their parent category, if he/she qualifies (according to marks in CET written examination) under his parent category. 

Important Note:- 

Separate special drive to fill the post(s) of Eligible Sports Persons (ESP) shall be published shortly as per Govt. Instructions.
To download PDF notice- Click here

18 Mar 2023

CTU Recruitment of Bus Driver & Bus Conductor 2023

Recruitment of Bus Driver & Bus Conductor in CTU, Schedule, Eligibility, Syllabus & Admit Card

EMPLOYMENT NOTICE NO. 01-02/2023 DATED. 15.03.2023
Online applications are invited from male eligible candidates for filling up of 131 number of Vacant Posts of Bus Conductors and 46 number of Vacant Posts of Heavy Bus Drivers through the direct recruitment. The online application from eligible candidates are invited upto 10/04/2023 at The category wise detail of vacancies is given as under:

Bus Conductors

Male Candidates only 

Ex-servicemen / DSEM (13%) 


General- 54



Scheduled Caste- 20 



Other Backward Class- 31 






Total- 105 



Heavy Bus Drivers

Male Candidates only 

Ex-Servicemen/DSM (13%) 


General- 19 



Scheduled Caste-  7 



Other Backward Class- 11 



EWS- 00 



Total- 37 



Key Dates-

S. No. 


Last Date 

Start date for ONLINE submission of application 

March 16, 2023 

Last date for ONLINE submission of application 

April 10, 2023 

Last date for submission of fee in any SBI branch 

April 15, 2023 

Qualification for Conductor-

Educational Qualification:

1. 10+2 pass from any recognized board/University.
2. Should hold a valid conductor’s license issued from the Govt. recognized institute.
3. Must be Indian Citizen. 

Age Limit:

The candidate should not be less than 18 years of age and maximum 37 years for General Category as on 01.01.2023.

Pay Scales:

The Pay Scales shall be as and when finalized by Chandigarh Administration as per the rules.

Selection Criteria: -

(a) All eligible candidates shall be called for a written test (objective type multiple choices). 

(b) Syllabus for Written test:

There will be one Paper having two parts of two hours duration carrying 100 Multiple Choice Questions as under:-


(i) Numerical Ability -- 15 Questions
(ii) English (only up to 10th standard, -- 10 Questions (No translation in Hindi and Punjabi) 
(iii) General Knowledge & General Behaviour -- 15 Questions
(iv) Elementary Computer Knowledge -- 10 Questions


(i) Knowledge of Traffic rules -- 20 Questions
(ii) First Aid -- 10 Questions
(iii) General behaviour & Safety -- 20 Questions

There will be no negative marking. However, the qualifying marks shall be 25% for SC candidates and 30% for other categories. 
The question paper for each test shall be in Hindi, English & Punjabi languages.

(c) Final Selection:

The final selection shall be made on the basis of marks obtained in the written test. In case two or more candidates secure equal marks/merit at the last point, the candidates elder in age shall be considered for selection. THERE SHALL BE NO PERSONAL INTERVIEW. Waiting lists shall also be prepared in each category.

Application Fees: 

The category wise application fee payable through Net Banking/Debit Card/UPI up to 11.59 p.m. of the closing date i.e. 15/04/2023 is as under: 
Sr. No. Categories of Candidates Fees (Rs.) 
1. General/OBC/ESM/DSM(General)- Rs. 800/- 
2. Scheduled Castes/Ex-Service Man/DSM (Other categories)/EWS- Rs. 500/- 


1. Applications without fee shall be summarily rejected. 
2. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can be held in reserve for any other examination or selection. 

How to Apply:

Candidates are required to apply online using the website of the CTU i.e.,
For mor Details view PDF notice Conductor- Click here

Qualification for Bus Driver- 

Educational Qualification: 

1) 10th pass from any recognized board/University. 
2) Should hold a valid License to drive Heavy Transport Vehicle / Heavy Motor Vehicle. 
3) Should hold a HTV/HMV driving license at least 05 years old. 
4) Should not have been convicted for any offense indicating that he is not capable of performing efficiently to the duties for the post of driver. 
5) In case of ex-servicemen candidates who possess Army matriculation certificates shall also be eligible. 

Age Limit: 

The candidate should not be less than 25 years of age to maximum 37 years, on or before 01.01.2023. 

Pay Scales: 

The Pay Scales shall be as and when finalized by Chandigarh Administration as per the rules

Selection Criteria: -

(a) All eligible candidates shall be called for a written test (objective type multiple choices). The written test consists of three sections:- 
i) Knowledge of Motor Vehicle Act and Traffic rules = 50 Marks 
ii) Knowledge of Bus/Vehicle Repair Maintenance = 40 Marks 
iii) Basic Knowledge of First-Aid = 10 Marks 
 Total = 100 Marks 
(b). There shall be no negative marking. However, the qualifying marks shall be 25% for SC candidates and for other categories 30% marks. 
The question paper for each test shall be in Hindi, English & Punjabi languages. 

Note : 

In case two or more candidates secure equal marks in written test/ merit, the candidates elder in age shall be considered for Driving Skill Test. 

(c) The candidate who qualifies the above said test will be called for the Driving Skill Test in the order of merit in respective category @ ratio of 1:10, till the vacancies are filled or list of eligible pass candidates exhausted whichever is earlier. Driving Skill Test shall be conducted at one of the Govt approved/Govt. Run Centers. Candidate has to appear for such a test at his own expense. 
(i) Dug/Ramp test (Reverse driving test) one chance. 
(ii) “8” Shape driving test (for only those who qualify the dug/ramp test) one chance. 
(iii) Road Test (for only those who (a) & (b) tests above.) one chance. The passing of Driving Skill Test is must for appointment and any candidate failing in driving skill test shall not be given appointment. Only one chance to pass the Driving Skill Test shall be given. THERE SHALL BE NO PERSONAL INTERVIEW. Waiting list shall also be maintained in each category/Sub-Category. Note: Candidates are not permitted to bring and use a calculator in the Examination Hall for Written Examination.

Application Fees: 

The category wise application fee payable through Net Banking/Debit Card/UPI up to 11.55 p.m. of the closing date i.e. 15/04/2023 is as under: 
Sr. No. Categories of Candidates Fees (Rs.) 
1. General/OBC/ESM(General)/DSM(General Rs. 800/- 
2. Scheduled Castes/Ex-Service Man(Other categories)/ DSM(General)/EWS Rs. 500/- 

How to Apply: 

Candidates are required to apply online using the website of the CTU i.e.,

Date of Written test: 

The date of the written examination shall be made available on CTU websites i.e. 
Candidates are directed to ensure to check the website from time to time and CTU shall not be responsible for the same.

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