4 Oct 2021

HCS (Judicial Branch) Preliminary Examination - 2021 Admit Card

Schedule of HCS (Judicial Branch) Examination - 2021 Preliminary Examination to be held on 13.11.2021

Haryana Public Service Commission- HPSC has notified that the Preliminary Examination for the posts of HCS (Judicial Branch) against Advertisement No. 01/2021 dated 14.01.2021 will be conducted on 13.11.2021 (Saturday) as per details given below- 



Name of post  

HCS (Judicial Branch) 

Exam Type 


Date of Examination  

13.11.2021 (Saturday) 

Time of Exam 

From 11:00 A.M. to 01:00 P.M. 

Conducting Agency 

HPSC- Haryana Public Service Commission  

Advt. No. 


Downloading of admits card 

Click here to download

Admit Cards-

To download Admit Card for the posts of HCS (Judicial Branch) Preliminary Examination - 2021 to be held on 13.11.2021- Click here

The candidates who find any error which is attributable to the Commission, with respect to their Name, Category, Date of Birth etc. in their Admit Cards, can contact at helpline No. 022-61306209 between 9:00 AM to 06:00 PM for necessary rectification in the Admit Card. Any error committed by'the applicant himself / herself at the time of filling the application form will not be rectified. It is made clear that no request for rectification in the Admitt Cards will be entertained after 08.11.2021. Candidates are directed that they may download their Admit Card on A-4 size paper so that their photos & other particulars can easily be seen / verified

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