14 Oct 2021

Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE) December 2021 Session

Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE) December 2021 Session

Online applications are invited for FMGE December, 2021 through portal https://nbe.edu.in/ as per schedule given below- 

What is FMGE?

As per the regulations, “An Indian citizen/Overseas citizen of India possessing a primary medical qualification awarded by any medical institution outside India who is desirous of getting provisional or permanent registration with Medical Council of India or any State Medical Council on or after 15.03.2002 shall have to qualify a screening test conducted by the prescribed authority for that purpose as per the provisions of section 13 of the Act.



Online Submission of Applications  

14th October (3 PM Onwards) to 3rd November 2021(Till 11:55PM) 

Edit Window for All Candidates 

8th November 2021 to 10th November 2021 

Final Edit Window to rectify Deficient/Incorrect Images: 1. Photograph 2. Signatures 3. Thumb Impression  

24th November 2021 to 26th November 2021  

Issue of Admit Card 

6th December 2021 

Examination Date 

12th December 2021 

Declaration of Result 

By 31st December 2021 



Examination Fee-

Fee Rs. 6000/- + GST Rs. 1080/- Total Rs. 7080/-

Eligibility Criteria 

The candidate must meet/fulfil the following criteria: 
1. He / She is a citizen of India or Overseas Citizen of India. 
2. The candidate should possess a primary medical qualification, which is confirmed by the Indian Embassy concerned, to be a recognized qualification for enrolment as medical practitioner in the country in which the institution awarding the said qualification is situated. 
3. The result of final examination for the said primary medical qualification should have been declared on or before 31st October 2021. 
4. Candidates must note that it is mandatory for them to submit proof /documentary evidence that clearly establishes that the result of the final examination for such a primary medical qualification was declared on or before the cut-off date i.e. 31st October 2021. The document submitted must confirm that the candidate has successfully completed all required courses of the primary medical courses with eligible results as per requirement of the institution concerned. 
5. In the event that the proof / documentary evidence submitted by the candidate does not clearly establish that the result of the final examination of his primary medical qualification was not declared on or before 31st October 2021, the candidature shall be cancelled and the candidate shall be declared as ineligible. 
6. Pursuant to the recommendations of the NMC vide its letter No NMC/MCI-34(41)(Gen)/2020-21-Med/002815 dated 22.01.2021 and approval of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Govt of India vide its letter No V.11025/02/2021-MEP dated 09.03.2021, only eligible candidates will be allowed to appear in the FMGE who have both the Eligibility Certificate (if applicable) and the Provisional Pass Certificate/Degree Certificate of Primary Medical Qualification. 
7. Candidates who fail to submit the documents as prescribed in the Information Bulletin for FMGE will not be allowed to appear in the examination and would be declared ineligible to appear. 
8. Candidates are therefore advised to apply for FMGE only if they possess with them all the documents required to apply for the examination, including the Eligibility Certificate (if applicable) and the Provisional Pass Certificate/Degree Certificate of their Primary Medical Qualification. 
9. Candidate seeking provisional or permanent registration in India shall not have to qualify the Screening Test if he/she holds an Under Graduate medical qualification from Australia/Canada/ New Zealand/United Kingdom/United States of America and the holder thereof has also been awarded a Post Graduate medical qualification in Australia/Canada/New Zealand/ United Kingdom/United States of America and has been recognized for enrolment as medical practitioner in that country. 
10.Eligibility of candidates who have obtained their primary medical qualification from Pakistan shall be subject to their security clearance from Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Govt of India. The result of such candidates for FMGE shall only be declared on receipt of MHA security clearance as per MoHFW direction vide Letter No C.18018/09/2004-MEP dated 26-11-2018. 
11.Candidates may also refer to Screening Test Regulations, 2002 & all its amendments, Regulations on Graduate Medical Education and Eligibility Certificate Regulations.
12.Eligibility of candidates who have been issued admit cards for the examination shall be purely provisional and if ineligibility is detected at any stage of FMGE, the candidature shall be cancelled even if the result has been declared and/or the Pass Certificate has been issued.

Admit Card:

Admit cards shall be made live on National Board of Examination website https://nbe.edu.in on 6th December 2021. Admit cards will not be issued to candidates found ineligible before the conduct of the examination. 

Candidates will be informed through SMS/Email alerts and website notice regarding availability of the admit card on NBEMS website. Admit card will not be sent to the candidates by Post/ Email.
For more info- Click here

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