26 Jul 2021

ICAR Entrance Exam-2021, (AIEEA(UG), AIEEA(PG) and AICE JRF/SRF(Ph.D)

ICAR Entrance Examinations-2021, AIEEA (UG), AIEEA (PG) and AICE JRF/SRF (Ph.D)

National Testing Agency (NTA) will be conducting the ICAR Entrance Examinations [AIEEA (UG), AIEEA (PG) & AICE-JRF/SRF(Ph.D)] -2021 for admission to the Undergraduate, Post Graduate and Doctoral Programmes of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (lCAR) for the academic session 2021-22, as per details given below.

Candidates who are desirous of applying for the exam may go through the Information Bulletin and apply online at https://icar.nta.ac.in only during the period from 25.07.2021 to 20.08.2021 and also pay the applicable fee, online, through the payment gateway using debit/credit cards, net banking, UPI or Paytm.

What is ICAR-

ICAR AIEEA (UG) - is All India Entrance Examination for (a) admission to 15% seats in Bachelor Degree Programme in Agriculture and Allied Sciences ( Other than veterinary sciences) at Agricultural Universities (100% seats at NDRI Karnal, RLBCAU Jhansi & DR. RPCAU PUSA) and (b) award of National Talent Scholarship in Agriculture & Allied Science subjects (other than Veterinary Science).

ICAR AIEEA (PG) - is All India Entrance Examination for (a) admission to 25% seats in Master Degree Programme in accredited Agricultural Universities (100% seats at IARI, IVRI, NDRI, CIFE, RLBCAU Jhansi & DR. RPCAU, PUSA) and (b) Award of ICAR-PG Scholarship/National Talent Award (PGS) in Agriculture & Allied Sciences.

ICAR AICE-JRF/SRF (Ph.D) - is All India Competitive Examination for (a) admission to 25% seats in accredited Doctoral Degree Programmes of accredited Colleges of accredited Universities under ICAR-AU System (100% seats of ICAR Deemed Universities and Dr. RPCAU Pusa, ICAR-DUs in Doctoral Degree Programmes) and Award of ICAR-JRF/SRF (Ph.D) in Agriculture & Allied Sciences.

The exam will consist of a single paper

Submission of online application forms and payment of exam fee  

From 25.07.2021 to 20.08.2021
Extended upto 23.08.2021 for UG and 27.08.2021 for PG and JRF/SRF (Ph.D)
Date(s) of exam
AIEEA (UG)- 7, 8 and 13th September 2021
AIEEA (PG) and AICE-JRF/SRF (Ph.D)- 17th September 2021
Mode of exam Computer Based Test (CBT Mode)
Pattern of exam Objective Type comprising Multiple Choice Questions
Language of the paper English and Hindi-for AIEEA-(UG) English only for AIEEA-( PG) and AICE JRF/SRF (Ph.D)
Duration 150 minutesfor AIEEA –(UG) 120 minutesfor AIEEA-( PG) and AICE-JRF/SRF (Ph.D)
Exam Centres At 178 cities across India for ICAR AIEEA-(UG ) At 89 cities across India for ICAR AIEEA (PG) and AICE JRF/SRF-(Ph.D)



Correction Window  

23.08.2021 to 26.08.2021

Downloading of Admit Card  

Will be notify 

Answer Key 

Will be notify 


Will be notify 

Fee Payable by candidates

General/Unreserved Rs. 770/- 
Other Backward Classes (OBC)- (NCL)*&UPS**/ EWS*** Rs. 750/- SC/ST/PwBD/ Transgender Rs. 375/-

Information Bulletin

Information about the eligibility, scheme of exam, exam centers, exam timings, exam fee, procedure for applying etc are contained in the Information Bulletin hosted on the website of NTA https://icar.nta.ac.in.

To download- Click here

Updated on 20.08.2021

Last Date Extended

Submission of online applications for ICAR–Entrance Exams AIEEA(UG), AIEEA(PG) and AICE-JRF/SRF(Ph.D) is in progress at https://icar.nta.ac.in

Pursuant to representations from candidates to extend the last date for submission of online forms and to ensure larger participation of candidates in the exams, it has been decided to reschedule the exam activities in respect of ICAR Entrance examinations AIEEA(UG), AIEEA(PG) and AICE-JRF/SRF(Ph.D) on the following lines: 

For ICAR-2021 AIEEA(UG) 

Last date for submission of online forms- 23 August 2021(upto 05.00 PM)
Last date for payment of exam fee- 23 August 2021(Upto 11.50 PM)
Correction window- 24-25 August 2021
Display of admit card- 01 September 2021


Last date for submission of online forms- 27 August 2021 (upto 05.00 PM)
Last date for payment of exam fee- 27 August 2021(Upto 11.50 PM)
Correction window- 28 and 31 August 2021 
Display of admit card- 07 September 2021 

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