HSSC Gram Sachiv Result 2021. Haryana SSC Gram Sachiv Written Exam Merit List 2021. Haryana SSC Gram Sachiv Cut Off 2021. Haryana SSC Gram Sachiv Score Card 2021 . HSSC Gram Sachiv Tantetive Result Date 2021. HSSC Gram Sachiv Expected Cut Off against Advt. No 9/2019 Cat. No. 01
Haryana Staff Selection Commission will hold Written Examination for the post of Gram Sachiv on 09.01.2021 and 10.01.2021 at various stations in four shifts i.e. Morning and Evening shifts on 09.01.2021 and 10.01.2021.
After that official answer keys will be released and objections will be invited. Gram Sachiv Exam Result will be declared after considering all the objection filled by the candidates.
Result will be available on the official website of the Haryana Staff Selection Commission. Link will be provided by us here.
* Click On the official website of HSSC– https://www.hssc.gov.in/ * Click on RESULT in the menu. * Click on the link given for Gram Sachiv Result * PDF copy of the Gram Sachiv result will be displayed on the screen.