20 Jan 2021

Admit Card Class 10th & 12th National Open (NIOS) January, 2021

Nation Open School Exam January/February, 2021 Roll No. Slip/ Admit Card

Admit Card/ Roll No. Slips are now available on the official website of NIOS. Candidates can download their admit card from the website. 

How to Download NIOS Admit Card 2021

Enter the 12 digit roll number and select hall ticket type then click submit to get the hall ticket.


Dear learner, your hall ticket will be downloaded only if you have paid exam fee for Jan/Feb 2021 public examination and if your photograph is available with NIOS. 
In case your hall ticket is not generated due to missing photo, kindly contact your Regional Centre immediately.

Important Instructions to learners with special reference to Covid-19 Pandemic 

1. Learner must wear face mask and/or hand gloves and may carry a small transparent hand sanitizer bottle. 
2. At the time of entry into the examination centre, separate queue shall be formed for boys and girls and social distance of 02 meters shall be maintained. 
3. At the entry gate of examination centre, the temperature of each learner shall be checked by thermal screening and in case a learner fails to meet the criteria of temperature, he/she shall not be permitted to take examination on that day. 
4. Learner having symptoms of fever, cough and cold shall be either seated in a separate room or shall not be allowed to appear in the exam on that day. 
5. For entering the examination centre, candidate must bring the original Identity Card issued by NIOS along with Public Examination hall ticket for January-February, 2021 and another valid photo identity proof like Aadhar Card, Passport or PAN card etc. 
6. Carrying Mobile Phones, Cameras, bags, calculators and any other electronic gadgets etc. to the NIOS Examination Centre is prohibited. The learner may carry a personal transparent water bottle. 
7. The learner is advised to reach the examination centre sufficiently in advance. 
8. On completion of exam, the learner should move out in an orderly manner – One candidate at a time

To download Admit Card- Click here

NIOS January/February,  Date Sheet- 

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