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HSSC Staff Nurse Written Exam. Schedule, Syllabus, Admit Card & Answer Key Advt. 15/2019, Cat. 10

Haryana Staff Selection Commission will hold the online written examination Computer Based Test (CBT) for the post of Staff Nurse (Health Deptt.) Haryana against Advt. No. 15/2019, Cat. No. 10 on dated 12.12.2020 (Saturday) & 13.12.2020 (Sunday) at various institutions:-
SCHEDULE (12.12.2020 & 13.12.2020)
Name of the Post- Staff Nurse
Advt. No- 15/2019
Cat. No.- 10
Date, Shift & Time of Examination
12.12.2020 (Saturday)
1st Shift
Entry Time- 08:30 A.M. to 09:30 A.M.
No Entry after 09:30 A.M.
Exam Start Time :- 10:30 A.M.
Exam End Time :- 12:00 NOON
2nd Shift
Entry Time :-12:30 P.M. to 01:30 P.M.
No Entry after 01:30 P.M.
Exam Start Time: - 02:30 P.M.
Exam End Time :- 04:00 P.M.
13.12.2020 (Tuesday)
1st Shift
Entry Time- 08:30 A.M. to 09:30 A.M.
No Entry after 09:30 A.M.
Exam Start Time :- 10:30 A.M.
Exam End Time :- 12:00 NOON
2nd Shift
Entry Time :-12:30 P.M. to 01:30 P.M.
No Entry after 01:30 P.M.
Exam Start Time: - 02:30 P.M.
Exam End Time :- 04:00 P.M.
Syllabus for Staff Nurse Exam 2020-
The examination for the said post will comprise of 90 multiple choice question of 90 minutes duration and divided into two portions comprising:-
a) 75% weightage for General awareness, Reasoning, Maths, Science, Computer, English, Hindi and
Concerned or Relevant Subject, as applicable.
b) 25% weightage for History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture
etc. of Haryana.
Each question will carry equal marks.
Admit Card-
Admit Card for online written examination of the candidates will be uploaded on the
Commission Web-site i.e. www.hssc.gov.in. The candidates can download the admit cards from the
Commission Web-site from 04.12.2020 onwards. Candidates are advised to read the instructions
on the Admit Card carefully and follow the same strictly.
Selection Criteria
Total Marks: 100
I. Written Examination- 90 Marks
II. Socio-Economic criteria and experience- 10 Marks
No applicant shall be given more than 10 marks for socio-economic criteria and
experience under any circumstances.
For more info- Click here
Previous Question Papers HSSC Staff Nurse-
To download Question Paper- Click here
HSSC has notified for the information of all concerned that the aforesaid examination scheduled from 12.12.2020 to 13.12.2020 is hereby postponed due to administrative reasons.
Fresh Schedule will be issued later on.
Exam. Schedule-
MPHW (Female) Cat. No. 04 & 20-
Date and Day of Exam- 16.01.2021 (Saturday)
Session- Morning Session
Exam Time- 10.30 am to 12.00 noon
Reporting/ Entry Time- 08.30 am
No Entry after- 09.30 am
Staff Nurse Cat. No. 10 & 19-
Date and Day of Exam- 16.01.2021 (Saturday)
Session- Evening Session
Exam Time- 03.00 pm to 04.30 pm
Reporting/ Entry Time- 01.00 pm
No Entry after- 02.00 pm
Laboratory Attendant Cat. No. 03
Date and Day of Exam- 17.01.2021 (Sunday)
Session- Morning Session
Exam Time- 10.30 am to 12.00 noon
Reporting/ Entry Time- 08.30 am
No Entry after- 09.30 am
Female Supervisor (Graduate) Cat. No. 13-
Date and Day of Exam- 17.01.2021 (Sunday)
Session- Evening Session
Exam Time- 03.00 pm to 04.30 pm
Reporting/ Entry Time- 01.00 pm
No Entry after- 02.00 pm
Exam Centres-
Examination Centres will be allotted in Admit Card.
Selection Criteria
Total Marks: 100
I. Written Examination- 90 Marks
II. Socio-Economic criteria and experience- 10 Marks
No applicant shall be given more than 10 marks for socio-economic criteria and experience under any circumstances.
Syllabus for Staff Nurse, Supervisor Female, Lab Attendant & MPHW (Female) Exam-
The examination for the above posts will comprise of 90 multiple choice question of 90 minutes duration and divided into two portions comprising:-
a) 75% weightage for General awareness, Reasoning, Maths, Science, Computer, English, Hindi and Concerned or Relevant Subject, as applicable.
a) 75% weightage for General awareness, Reasoning, Maths, Science, Computer, English, Hindi and Concerned or Relevant Subject, as applicable.
b) 25% weightage for History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture etc. of Haryana.
Each question will carry equal marks.
Each question will carry equal marks.
Admit Card for the examinations will be uploaded on the commission website i.e. www.hssc.gov.in.
The candidates can download the Admit Cards from the commission website w.e.f. 06.01.2021.
To download Admit Card go to your login- Click here
HSSC Previous Question Paper Staff Nurse
HSSC Previous Question Paper MPHW (Female)
To download Click here
HSSC Previous Question Paper Laboratory Attendant
To download- Click here