13 Oct 2020

NEET (UG) 2020 Result

NEET (UG) 2020 Result Declared-

To download Result go to official website of NTA NEET UG 2020 i.e.  http://ntaresults.nic.in/neet20/result/resultneet.htm

Best of Luck. 

NEET (UG) 2020 Result 

NEET (UG) 2020 was conducted throughout the county on 13.09.2020 for 13.97 Lacs registered candidates. 

The Result of NEET (UG) 2020 was expected on 12.10.2020. But NTA will conduct NEET-2 for Corona Positive Candidates on 14.10.2020. 

Therefore the result of NEET (UG) 2020 will be declared on 16.10.2020 on the official website of NTA NEET i.e. https://ntaneet.nic.in/ntaneet/welcome.aspx

Candidates will be able to view their result and Ranks on 16.10.2020. 

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