Haryana College Admissions Schedule 2020-21
Any candidate who desires to seek admission in the colleges/universities of Haryana can click on https://dheadmissions.nic.in/ to open the portal for registration and/or log in page to the admission form.
Key Dates-
i. Online submission of Admission Form Start Date- 07.09.2020 (Monday)
ii. Last Date for submission of Online form- 21.09.2020 (Monday)
iii. Document Verification & Preparation of Merit List- 22 to 25 September, 2020
iv. Display of First Merit List- 01.10.2020
v. Submission/Deposit of Fee- 01 to 05 October, 2020
vi. Display of 2nd Merit List- 08.10.2020
vii. Submission/Deposit of Fee- 08.10.2020 to 12.10.2020
viii. Re-opening of Admission Portal for Registration towards Open Counselling from- 13th October
How to Register for Admission-
To register for admission click the link given below and fill the form inn Hindi or English as you wish- https://dheadmissions.nic.in/Account/Registration
List of Documents to be uploaded online by the applicant:
Scanned copy of Passport size photograph
Scanned copy of signature
Matric (10th) Marksheet
10+2 Marksheet
Migration Certificate (required in case of other than Haryana School Education Board)
Character Certificate
NCC/ NSS/Sports Certificate for weightage, wherever applicable
Bonafide Resident of Haryana Certificate, if applicable
Income Certificate required for claiming benefits of EWS or SC / BC Scholarships, if applicable
Reserved Category Certificate, if applicable
Gap Year Affidavit, if applicable
Age Limit-
There is no age limit for eligible students.
Important Instructions-
1. Weightage, wherever applicable, would be given after verification of the uploaded documents and the applicant shall be provided with a maximum weightage of 10 percent
2. Name of the applicant will appear in the Merit List after online verification of documents as per eligibility/merit.
3. General category students can now opt for EWS (Economically Weaker Section) quota within the Haryana General Quota. However, they need to upload the required certificate for the same.
4. After final selection, the admission charges shall be paid through online mode only. There is no provision of payment of admission charges physically at the College.
5. All admissions done are provisional. College / University will cancel any such admission if the information provided by the students is found to be fictitious /bogus at any stage and the student concerned will be held solely responsible for this.
6. If any document of a student is rejected due to some reasons during the process of online verification, a system generated SMS will be sent to the applicant and applicant will be required to re-upload the correct document on the online admission portal by logging in his/her account within 48 hours of receiving that SMS. No physical presence shall be required to revise the document.
7. Once you have submitted your online form, no information will be changed thereafter.
For more info- Click here
1st Merit List-
1st Merit List displayed on the official website on 01.10.2020. Candidates can view the list now.
To view Merit list- Click here