Result and interview Notice for the post of Staff Nurse For Health Services, Haryana Against Advt. No. 1/2015, Cat No. 01, with Corrigendum Dated 25.10.2016
HSSC has notified that Chief Secretary to Government of Haryana vide memo No. 22/149/2015-1 GS-III dated 5th March, 2019, has informed that the State Government has decided that in respect of all advertisements where result of SBC has been put on hold due to Court Orders, the Haryana Staff Selection Commission shall treat the SBC posts to be under the Unreserved/General Category. Therefore now, the Commission in continuation of earlier notice dated 11.08.2017 calling the candidates for interview on the basis of scrutiny of documents already held hereby calls the following candidates bearing following Roll Numbers for interview/viva voce provisionally and further subject to fulfilment of their eligibility conditions as per advertisement and service rules for consideration against the 91 posts belonging to General Category (earlier SBC Category). The marks secured by the last shortlisted candidate are given in bracket.
To download Result- Click here
Interview Schedule-
The interview of the above candidates will be held from 15.06.2020 to 19.06.2020 in Commission's Office. Candidates should report at 09.00 A.M. as per admit card in the Commission office, Bays No. 67-70, Sector-2, Panchkula.
All candidates are also directed to bring all original documents, set of self attested copies of all documents.
Admit Card for Interview-
The candidates are advised to download the Admit Card for interview from the website of the Commission on/after 10.06.2020
The candidates having roll number 15100530 and 15114254 have been called for Scrutiny of Documents cum interview provisionally.
In case a candidate does not appear for Viva-Voce/interview, he/she will be given no further opportunity thereafter. Candidates who have already been interviewed in court case, need not to appear again for interview/Viva Voce. If any candidate having any orders from any competent court of law regarding Scrutiny of Documents and interview, they should also be present at above mentioned date and venue alongwith all relevent documents
Updated on 05.06.2020
Updated on 05.06.2020
Interview Postponed-
In continuation of notice dated 21.5.2020, it is for the information of all concerned candidates that the Commission has decided to postpone the interview on administrative ground for the post of Staff Nurse against Advt. No.1/2015, Category No.1 of Health Services, Haryana.
2. The next date of interview will be fixed later on.
To view Notice- Click here