Haryana Staff Selection Commission will hold the Online written examination (CBT) for various posts of Skill Development & Industrial Training Department, Haryana against Advt. No. 12/2019 for various categories from 16.03.2020 to 18.03.2020 at various institutions:-
16.03.2020 (Monday)
1st Shift
Entry Time :- 08:00 A.M. to 09:00 A.M.
No Entry after :- 09:00 A.M.
Exam Start Time :- 09:30 A.M.
Exam End Time :- 11:00 A.M.
i. Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance Instructor Theory 12/2019 76
ii. Information Technology and Electronics System Maintenance Instructor (Practical) 78
iii. Interior Decoration and Designing Instructor (Practical) 92
iv. Lab Attendant (Food Production, Food & Beverage Service) Instructor (Theory) 72
v. Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance Instructor (Practical) 79
vi. Painter General Instructor (Theory) 73
vii. Surveyor Instructor, Practical 08
2nd Shift
Entry Time :-11:30 A.M to 12:30 P.M No
Entry after :- 12:30 P.M.
Exam Start Time : - 01:00 P.M.
Exam End Time :- 02:30 P.M.
i. Craft Instructor (Women) (Dress Making) (Practical) 12/2019 85
ii. Craft Instructor (Women) (Dress Making) (Theory) 82
iii. Fitter Instructor Practical 29
iv. Mill Wright Mechanic (Electrical/ Electronics) Instructor (Practical) 68
v. Tractor Mechanic Instructor (Practical) 38
3rd Shift
Entry Time :- 03:00 P.M to 04:00 P.M.
No Entry after :- 04:00 P.M.
Exam Start Time :- 04:30 P.M.
Exam End Time :- 06:00 P.M.
i. Computer Networking and Hardware Technician 12/2019 62
ii. Craft Stenography English Instructor (Practical) 52
iii. Craft Stenography English Instructor (Theory) 51
iv. Desktop Publisher Operator (Theory) 43
v. Desktop Publisher Operator Instructor (Practical) 33
vi. Electrician Instructor (Practical) 35
vii. Group Instructor InCharge (women) / Group Instructor (Women) for TTC In Hair & Skin Care 71
viii. Instrument Mechanic Instructor (Practical) 84
ix. Instrument Mechanic Instructor (Theory) 81
x. Mill Wright Mechanic (Mechanical) Instructor (Practical) 69
xi. Plumber Instructor (Practical) 67
xii. Turner Instructor Practical 25
17.03.2020 (Tuesday)
1st Shift
Entry Time :- 08:00 A.M. to 09:00 A.M. No
Entry after :- 09:00 A.M.
Exam Start Time :- 09:30 A.M.
Exam End Time :- 11:00 A.M.
i. Craft Instructor (women) Hair & Skin Care (Theory) 12/2019 90
ii. Mechanic Agriculture Machinery Instructor (Practical) 89
iii. Mechanic Motor Vehicle Instructor (Practical) 77
iv. Plastic Processing Operator Instructor (Practical) 31
v. Plastic Processing Operator Instructor, Theory 34
vi. Tool & Die Maker (Dies & Moulds) Instructor (Practical) 60
vii. Welder (Gas & Electric) Instructor, Practical 05
2nd Shift
Entry Time :-11:30 A.M to 12:30 P.M
No Entry after :- 12:30 P.M.
Exam Start Time : - 01:00 P.M.
Exam End Time :- 02:30 P.M.
i. Architectural Assistant Instructor, (Theory) 12/2019 15
ii. Architectural Assistant Instructor Practical 27
iii. Craft Instructor (women) Computer Aided Embroidery (Theory) 93
iv. Craft Instructor (women) Computer Aided Embroidery (Practical) 94
v. Craft Instructor Health Sanitary Inspector (Practical) 55
vi. Hospitality Course Senior Instructor (Hospitality) (Theory) 59
vii. Litho Offset Machine Minder Instructor (Theory) 57
viii. Mechanic Diesel Instructor (Practical) 86
ix. Mechanic Electronic Instructor (Practical) 32
x. Wireman Instructor (Practical) 39
3rd Shift
Entry Time :- 03:00 P.M to 04:00 P.M.
No Entry after :- 04:00 P.M.
Exam Start Time :- 04:30 P.M.
Exam End Time :- 06:00 P.M.
i. Craft Instructor (women) Fashion Technology (Theory) 12/2019 37
ii. Craft Instructor (women) Fashion Technology (Practical) 66
iii. Craft Stenography Hindi Instructor (Theory) 49
iv. Craft Stenography Hindi Instructor (Theory) 48
v. Draughtsman Mechanical Instructor (Practical) 47
vi. Draughtsman Civil Instructor (Practical) 44
vii. Food Production Instructor (Theory) 61
viii. Machinist (Grinder) Instructor (Practical) 53
ix. Machinist Instructor, Practical 20
x. Mechanic Computer Hardware Instructor (Practical) 41
xi. Mechanic Consumer Electronics Instructor (Practical) 88
xii. Foundry Man (Moulder) Instructor (Theory) 14
xiii. Mechanical Refrigerator and Air Conditioning Instructor (Practical) 42
18.03.2020 (Wednesday)
2nd Shift
Entry Time :-11:30 A.M to 12:30 P.M
No Entry after :- 12:30 P.M.
Exam Start Time : - 01:00 P.M.
Exam End Time :- 02:30 P.M.
i. Craft Instructor (Women) Hair & Skin Care (Practical) 12/2019 63
3rd Shift
Entry Time :- 03:00 P.M to 04:00 P.M.
No Entry after :- 04:00 P.M.
Exam Start Time :- 04:30 P.M.
Exam End Time :- 06:00 P.M
i. Craft Instructor Health Sanitory Inspector (Theory) 12/2019 54
Selection Criteria
Total Marks: 100
I. Written Examination- 90 Marks
Socio-Economic criteria and experience- 10 Marks
The examination for the said post will comprise of 90 multiple choice question of 90 minutes duration and divided into two portions comprising:-
a) 75% weightage for General awareness, Reasoning, Maths, Science, Computer, English, Hindi and Concerned or Relevant Subject, as applicable.
b) 25% weightage for History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture etc. of Haryana.
Admit Card-
Admit Card for online written examination of the candidates will be uploaded on the Commission Web-site i.e.
The candidates can download the admit cards from the Commission Web-site from 09.03.2020 onwards.
To download Admit Card- Click here
To download Admit Card- Click here