21 Feb 2020

Jamia Millia Islamia Admissions Schedule 2020-2021

Jamia Millia Islamia University Admissions Schedule 2020-2021 

Key Dates-

i. Availability of Printed Prospectus- 20th February, 2020 
ii. Availability of Online Admission Forms- 21st February, 2020 to 25th March, 2020 
iii. Forms Open for Editing- 26th March, 2020 to 30th March, 2020 (Candidate may correct, if any) 
iv. Issue of Admit Cards- 10th April, 2020 to 15th April, 2020 
v. Last date for submitting Qualifying Exam result*- 16th September, 2020 
vi. Academic Session Starts 
(a) Continuing Semester/Annual Classes- 16th July, 2020 
(b) First Semester/ Ist Year Classes- 1st August, 2020 

*- The result of the candidate should be complete in all respects on the day of admission. However, candidate is required to submit first declared result, (for programmes whose eligibility is B.Sc./B.A./B.Com etc and whose results are awaited) for verification in the concerned department/ faculty/ centre of JMI, latest by Sept 16, 2020. 
- Candidates obtaining less than 30% marks in the descriptive part of the Entrance Test, wherever applicable, will not be shortlisted for interview /admission. 
- All part-time Diploma and Certificate programme shall be open for admission only to regular students of JMI.

Degrees and Certificates Offered by Jamia 

Jamia Millia Islamia offers the following Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates. Information regarding programs, prescribed eligibility conditions, date and time of entrance test and declaration of results can be seen in Annexure-I 
i. M.Phil/ Ph.D.
ii. Master (Postgraduate) 
iii. PG Diploma 
iv. Bachelor (Undergraduate) 
v. Advanced Diploma 
vi. Diploma 
vii. Certificate 

For more info- Click here

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