Notice & Provisional merit lists regarding recruitment of TGTs in KGBVs under HSSPP
In response to the advt. no. I/KGBV/2019 dated 13,09.2019, provisional merit list of candidates who have applied for the post of TGTs under Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalays is available on the websites &
The candidates who have any objection/query regarding calculation of their merit as per selection criteria mentioned in the advertisement are hereby given a time of five days from 06.0I.2020 to 10.01 .2020 to contact only to C-DAC Mohali for correction (if any) through e-mail After that no query or correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
The enclosed provisional merit list does not entitle a candrdate to be called for document verifi cation/ selection.
To download the selection list click the links given below-