13 Jan 2020

HSSC VLDA Final Result & Cut Off (Remaining) Advt. No. 7/2015, Cat No. 14.

Final Result (Remaining) for the post of VLDA For Animal Husbandry and Dairying Department, Haryana Against Advt. No. 7/2015, Cat No. 14.

HSSC has notified that the Chief Secretary to Government of Haryana vide Memo No. 22/149/2015-1 GS-III dated 5th March, 2019, has informed that the State Government has decided that in respect of all advertisements where result of SBC has been put on hold due to Court Orders, the Haryana Staff Selection Commission shall treat the SBC posts to be under the Unreserved/General Category. 

Therefore, in continuation of earlier notice dated 24.03.2017 and on the basis of Scrutiny of Documents and Interview Viva-Voce , for the post of VLDA, Cat. No. 14, Advt. No.07/2015 of Animal Husbandry and Dairying Department, Haryana, Commission has finalized and declared the result. The result has been shown roll No. wise and category wise. The marks secured by the last selected candidate in each category have been shown in brackets.

The above remaining result for the post of VLDA is being declared in compliance of direction of Chief Secretary to Government of Haryana vide Memo No. 22/149/2015-1 GS-III dated 5th March, 2019. With the declaration of above result the merit and category of certain candidates, whose result has already been declared, has been affected and same shall be reflected in final merit list.

To download Result- Click here

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