6 May 2019

HPSC- Assistant Prof. (College Cadre) @ 524 Recruitment Test Schedule

Recruitment Test Schedule for the post of Assistant Professor (College Cadre) @ 524

Haryana Public Service Commission has notified that recruitment test for the posts of Assistant Professor (College Cadre) for various subjects in response to the AdverCisement No. 1/2019 published on 08.03.2019 for the subject of Commeroe, English, Geography, Hindi & Math will be held tentatively from 21.05.2019 to 23.05.2019 in the Evening Session. 

The venue, exact dates and time of the aforesaid examination will be announced by the Commission in due course. 


Detailed syllabus in respect of each subject is available on Commission's website i.e. http://hpsc.gov.in

To download Syllabus- Click here

Multiple Applications-

The commission has noticed that some candidates have submitted multiple online application forms. The subject wise list of such candidates is available on the website of the Commission. 

To download the list and notice- Click here

Photo and Signature-

List of those candidates whos photo and signatures are not available with the HPSC has been displayed on the commissions website for compliance upto 09.05.2019.
To download List Click here

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