9 May 2019

HAU, Hisar Written Test Schedule for SO, JE (Civil) & Library Assistant Advt. No. 7/2018

Written Test Schedule (Revised) for the Posts of Section Officer / Junior Engineer (Civil) and Library Assistant against Advt. No. 07/2018

CCS Haryana Agriculture University Hisar has notified that the 3rd schedule fixed for 19.05.2019 is hereby re-scheduled due to administrative reasons. The written examination will be conducted through offline mode for the remaining/cancelled examinations. The details of re-schedule are given as under. 


Date/Day - 25.05.2019 (Saturday) 
Name of Posts-
1. Section Officer / Junior Engineer (Civil) 
2. Library Assistant 
Note- The Computer Based Online Test (CBT) conducted on 24.02.2019 for these posts were cancelled due to technical problems. 

Admit Card-

Candidates are requested to download their admit card in color print only from CCS HAU website (https://www.hau.ac.in/) w.e.f. 20-05-2019. 
No separate admit card shall be dispatched through post. 
Discrepancies, if any, regarding the Admit Card should be reported by e-mail to helpdeskcoordinator072018@gmail.com up to 24-05-2019. 

For any Enquiry contact on landline no. 01662 255154 during 7.00 am to 2.00 pm on working days. 

Centers once allotted will not be changed and no communication shall be entertained in this regard. 

Schedule for written examination for remaining posts will be notified in due course of time. 

To download Admit Card- Click here

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