15 Mar 2019

Admit Card for the posts of HCS(Ex.Br.) & other Allied Services- 2017 Exam

Admit Card for the posts of HCS(Ex.Br.) & other Allied Services- 2017 Exam

HSSC has notified that the Haryana Public Service Commission is going to conduct the Preliminary Examination for the posts of HCS(Ex.Br.) & other Allied Services- 2017 on 31.03.2019 (Sunday) at various Cities of Haryana alongwith Chandigarh in two sessions (Morning 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon & Evening 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM). Only those candidates who qualify the Preliminary Examination would be admitted for Mains Examination. 

Admit Card-

The admit Cards alongwith instructions to the Candidates for the HCS (Ex.Br.) & other Allied Services preliminary Examination - 2017 will be available on Commission's website from 16.03.2019 and the candidates can download the same from the Commission's website i.e. http://www.hpsc.gov.in/.

Admit cards are not being sent separately to individual candidates.

Candidates are directed that they may download the admit card on A-4 size paper so that their photos & other particulars can easily be seen / verified. Candidates having small size Admit Cards with illegible photos / signatures will not be allowed. to enter in the Examination centre.

The candidates who find any error which is attributable to the Commission, with respect to their Name, Father's Name, Category, Date of Birth etc. in their Admit Cards, can contact the Commission's office, in person or on telephone No. 0172-2585805 upto 26.03.2019 for necessary rectifications in the Admit Card. 

It is made clear that any effot committed by the applicant himself / herself at the time of filling the application form will not be rectified. Any type of rectification in the admit cards will not be carried out after 26.03.2019 by the Commission. 
It is made clear that admission to the Preliminary Examination is provisional. At this stage, all the candidates are being allowed provisionally subject to the fulfillment of all eligibility conditions. The parameter with regards to the fulfillment of eligibility conditions and correctness of facts submittd by the candidates in their online application form will be checked when the candidates come in the zone of consideration for Mains examination i.e. twelve times the number of advertised vacancies, including bracketed candidates (if any)


1. A Physically Handicapped (Partially Blind) candidate, if any, rvho rvants the help of a scribe for writing his/her paper, may apply to the Commission for seeking permission of having a scribe latest upto 25.03.2019 and thereafter, no such request will be entertained by the Commission. No such permission will be granted by the Centre Supervisor 
To download Admit Card- Click here

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