29 Dec 2018

Railway Recruitment 2019. Apply for 13487 posts of J.E, J.E.(I.T.), Depot Maternal Supdt. and Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant

Recruitment of Junior Engineer, Junior Engineer (Information Technology), Depot Maternal Superintendent and Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant.

CEN-03/2018       Dated 29.12.2018

Railway Recruitment Boards invite ONLINE applications from eligible candidates for the posts of Junior Engineer (JE), Junior Engineer (Information Technology) [JE(IT)], Depot Material Superintendant (DMS) and Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant (CMA)

Vacancy Detail-

Total Vacancy- 13487
UR- 7073
SC- 1958
ST- 1048
OBC- 3403
For details- Click here

18-33 years
The lower and upper age limit indicated for a particular post(s) in the vacancy table will be reckoned as on 01.01.2019.

Key Dates- 

Opening of online registration at 10:00 hrs 02.01.2019 Closing of online registration at 23:59 hrs 31.01.2019 Closing of offline payment at 13:00 hrs 04.02.2019 Closing of online payment at 22:00 hrs 05.02.2019 Closing of online submission of application complete in all respects at 23:59 hrs 07.02.2019 1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT) Tentatively scheduled during April/May, 2019


Candidates applying for the posts in this CEN have to pay the prescribed fee as per their category detailed below:

1. For all candidates except the fee Concession categories mentioned below at Out of this fee of Rs 500/- an amount of Rs 400/- shall be refunded duly deducting bank charges, on appearing in 1st Stage CBT.= Rs 500/- 

2. For candidates belonging to SC / ST / Ex-Servicemen / PwBDs / Female / Transgender / Minorities / Economically backward class. This fee of Rs 250/- shall be refunded duly deducting bank charges as applicable, on appearing in 1st Stage CBT.= Rs 250/-


a. ONLINE fee payment through internet banking or debit/credit cards or UPI b. OFFLINE fee payment through 
i. SBI Bank Challan Payment mode in any branch of SBI 
ii. Post Office Challan Payment mode in any branch of computerized post office 

The Offline payment will be allowed till 13:00 hrs of 04.02.2019 and Online payment will be allowed till 22:00 hrs of 05.02.2019, for candidates who register for themselves till 23:59 hrs of 31.01.2019. After making payment, these candidates should submit their applications on or before 23.59 hrs of 07-02-2019.


Candidates should have requisite Educational/Technical qualifications indicated for posts in Annexure-A of this CEN, from recognized Board/University/institute as on the closing date for ONLINE Registration (31.01.2019). Those awaiting results of the final examination of the prescribed educational/technical qualification SHOULD NOT apply. 
To view Educatinal Qualification- Click here


a) Candidates can apply for the notified posts of any one RRB as per their eligibility only through ONLINE application mode by visiting the official website

For more info- Click here

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