4 Oct 2018

Laboratory Attendant Exam 30.09.18 Cancelled, View fresh Schedule here

Written Exam Schedule, Admit Card, Syllabus and Answer Key for Laboratory Attendant Advt. No. 11/2017 Cat. No. 05

Haryana Staff Selection Commission has cancelled the Written Test for the post of Laboratory Attendant against advertisement No. 11/2017 Cat. No. 05 Higher Education Department held on 30.09.2018 in evening session 03.00 pm to 04.30 pm at the following centres on administrative reasons-
1. Maharaja Aggarsain School, Samlkha ( Centre No. 293)
2. Vaishya Girls College, Samlkha ( Centre No. 301) 
3. G.A. College Chuklana Road, Samlkha ( Centre No. 302)
Commission will hold the fresh written examination of the above centres only on 14.10.2018 as per schedule given below-

1. Name of Post- Laboratory Attendant 
2. Date and Time of exam- 14.10.2018 
Morning Session- From 10.30 am to 12.00 Noon.
Reporting Time- 09.00 am. 
No Entry after- 09.30 am.

Admit Card-  

Admit card for the written test will be uploaded on the official website of the Commission on 08.10.2018.
To view Cancellation notice- Click here

To view Advertisement 11/2017- Click here

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