10 Aug 2018

Recruitment of VLDA in Veterinary Department Haryana

Appointment of VLDAs on contractual basis in LUVS Hisar 

Applications are invited for appointment of VLDAs on contractual basis in Veterinary Department Haryana. 

Hard Copy of Application with Fee-

Candidates should submit the hard copy of the neatly typed and completely filled printout out of application form alongwith demand draft of required amount in favour of "The Registrar, LUVAS EXAM FUND" payable at PNB Hisar. The application form may be submitted by hand or by registered/speed post on below mentioned address:
The Dean, College of Veterinary Sciences, LUVAS, Hisar (It should be mentioned on the envelop "Application form for the post of VLDA"

Soft Copy of Application-

The soft copy of the application form must also be sent via email to jobs@luvas.edu.in

Key Dates-

Application Start Date- 11.08.2018 
Last Date- 31.08.2018 (01.30 PM)
Date of Veterinary Knowledge Test- 16.09.2018 

Application Fee- 

For General and All Backward Classes Candidates- 480/- 
For SC and Women Candidates- 120/- 

Application Form-

The word format of the application form can be downloaded from here
Candidates should not change the format of the application form. If candidate do the changes in the format of the application form then his/her candidature is liable to be cancelled.

Mode of Selection- 

Veterinary Knowledge Test will be conducted on 16.09.2018 from 09.00 AM at various centres in Hisar.

Syllabus for Veterinary Knowledge Test-

Syllabus for Veterinary Knowledge Test will be the syllabus of VLDA Diploma Course. 
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