18 Jul 2017

Apply for Various Posts like Patwari, JE, Meter Reader, Fireman etc. 7/2017

HSSC Recruitment for Various Posts i.e. JE (Civil), JE (Horticulture), JE (Electrical),  Fire Man, Meter Reader, Assistant Sanitary Inspector, Sanitary Inspector, Patwari, Assistant Draftsman etc. against Advt. No. Advt. No. 7/2017 Date of publication- 13.07.2017

Online applications are invited by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission for direct recruitment of under mentioned categories of posts using the website www.hssc.gov.in
T'he online application can be filled up from 21.07.2017 to 21.08.2017 till 11.59 P.M.
Qualification eligibility conditions and other documents will be determined with regard to last date fixed to apply online applications also called as closing date i.e. 20.08.2017. No offline application form or copy of downloaded application form will be accepted by the Commission 

Key Dates-

Opening date for submission of online applications- 21.07.2017
Closing date for submission of online applications- 21.08.2017
Closing date for deposit of Fee- 23.08.2017 

Details of Posts-

Cat. No.1 Restorer- 02 
Cat. No.2  Junior Analytical Assistant- 6
Cat. No.3 Accountant- 1
Cat. No.4 Junior Engineer (Civil)- 40
Cat. No.5 Junior Engineer (Horticulture)- 4
Cat. No.6 Tracer- 2
Cat. No.7 Surveyor- 3
Cat. No.8 Assistant Fire Station Officer- 4 (Post withdrawn) NIL 
Cat. No.9 Fireman- 55 (Post withdrawn) NIL
View original notice- Click here
Cat. No.10 Junior Librarian.- 1
Cat. No.11  Sewer Engine Operator- 2 
Cat. No.12 Road Inspector- 4 
Cat. No.13 Telephone Operator- 1 
Cat. No.14 Road Roller Driver- 1 
Cat. No.15 Horticulture Inspector- 2
Cat. No.16 Water Meter Mechanic- 1
Cat. No.17  Meter Reader- 7
Cat. No.18 Assistant Sanitary  Inspector- 9
Cat. No.19 Sanitary  Inspector- 10
Cat. No.20  Assistant Architect- 1
Cat. No.21 Assistant Research Officer- 1
Cat. No.22 Patwari- 29
Cat. No.23  Research Assistant- 4
Cat. No.24 Tracer (Engineering Wing)- 2
Cat. No.25  Assistant Draftsman, (TP & Arch. Wing)- 7
Cat. No.26 Architectural Assistant- 1
Cat. No.27  Junior Draftsman.- 2
Cat. No.28 Junior Engineer (Civil) (Re-Advertised)- 61
Cat. No.29  Junior Engineer (Hort.) (Re-Advertised)- 12
Cat. No.30 Junior Engineer (Electrical) (Re-Advertised)- 11
Cat. No.31 Assistant Draftsman (Engg.) (Re-Advertised)- 11

Name of Dept. Advocate General, Haryana 
Restorer- 02 
Educational Qualification-
i. Matric or equivalent 
ii. Knowledge of Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard, 
Age- 17-42
Pay Scale: 5200-20200 +1900 G.P. 

Name of Dept. Food and-Drugs Administration. Haryana
6 posts of Junior Analytical Assistant.
Educational Qualification-
i) B. Pharmacy with Minimum 50% marks or B.Sc with Chemistry.
ii. Knowledge of Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard,
Age- 17-42
Pay Scale- 9300-34800 + 3600 G.P. 

Name of Dept Haryana State Pollution Control Board
1 Post of Accountant
Educational Qualification-
i) M.Com. Second Division. 
B.Conn. first division with 2 years experience in Commercial Accounting.
ii. Knowledge of Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard,
Age- 17-42
Pay Scale- 9300-34800 + 3600 G.P. 

Name of Dept Haryana Urban Local Bodies 
40 posts of Junior Engineer (Civil) (Re-Advertised). 
Educational Qualification-
i) Diploma in Civil Engineering
ii. Knowledge of Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard,
Age- 17-42
Pay Scale- 9300-34800 + 3600 G.P. 

4 posts of Junior Engineer (Horticulture)
Educational Qualification-
i. B.Sc. (Agricultural) with Horticulture as a specialization;
ii. Knowledge of Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard,
Age- 17-42
Pay Scale- 9300-34800 + 3600 G.P. 

2 posts of Tracer
Educational Qualification-
i. Matric with Drawing Subject;
ii. Knowledge of Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard
Age- 17-42
Pay Scale: 5200-20200 +1900 G.P. 

3 posts of Surveyor.
Educational Qualification-
i Certificate Course of Surveyor form Industrial Training Institute or An institution recognised by the state Government;
ii. Knowledge of Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard
Age- 17-42
Pay Scale: 5200-20200 +2400 G.P. 

4 posts of Assistant Fire Station Officer
Educational Qualification-
i) Certificate Course of Sub- Fire Officer from National Fire service college, Nagpur or any other institution recognised by the State Government; 
ii. Knowledge of Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard
Age- 17-42
Pay Scale- 9300-34800 + 3200 G.P.

55 posts of Fireman.
Educational Qualification- 
i) Matriculate; 
ii) Passed basir: course in Elementary Fire Fighting from the Haryana State Fire Fighting institute; 
iii) Knowledge of H:indi/Sansrkrit upto Matric Standard
Age- 17-42
Pay Scale: 5200-20200 +1900 G.P. 
For Detail of other posts- Click here
For Details of Cat. No. 24, 25 and 27 Click here

Application Fee- 

For Category No. 2 to 5, 8, 12, 20, 21, 23 to 26. 28 to 31
General Male- Female- 150
Female of Haryana resident only- 75
Male SC/BC/EBPG candidates of Haryana State only- 35
Female SC/BC/EBPG candidates of Haryana State only- 18

For Category No. 1, 6, 7, 9 to 11, 13 to 19,22, 27,32,33
General Male- Female- 100
Female of Haryana resident only- 50
Male SC/BC/EBPG candidates of Haryana State only- 25
Female SC/BC/EBPG candidates of Haryana State only- 13
Physically Handicapped/Ex Serviceman of Haryana- NIL
For more information- Click here

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