19 Feb 2017

Haryana Police Constable Recruitment 2017 Syllabus, Previous/ Solved Question Paper, Answer Key, PST Standard




ADVT. NO. 01/2017 

Online applications are invited for direct recruitment of Male Constable (General Duty) and Female Constable (General Duty) posts using the website of HARYANA STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION i.e. www.hssc.gov.in
The online application can be filled up form 10.02.2017 to 28.02.2017 till 11.59 P.M.
Cat. No. 1. 4500 posts of Male Constable (General Duty). 

Cat. No.2. 1032 posts of Female Constable (General Duty).

Advt. No. 2/2017 

Online applications are invited for direct recruitment of under mentioned categories of posts using the website of HARYANA STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION i.e. www.hssc.gov.in. 
The online application can be filled up from 16.02.2017 to 14.03.2017 till 11.59 P.M
Cat. No. 1. 36 posts of Male Constable in Mounted Armed Police (MAP)
Cat. No. 2. 18 posts of Male Constable Bandsman.

Advt. No. 03/2017 

Online applications are invited for direct recruitment of under mentioned categories of posts using the website of HARYANA STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION i.e. www.hssc.gov.in
The online application can be filled up from 20.02.2017 to 20.03.2017 till 11.59 P.M
Cat. No. 1. 509 posts of Constable (Male) for Telecommunication Wing.  


ii) The minimum educational qualification for the post of Constable shall be 10+2 for all categories. 
ii) Knowledge of Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric stlandard.


18-25 years (On the first day of the month in which the applications are invited for recruitment of'Constable i.e on (01.02.2017).

Pay Scale-

Rs.21700-Level-3, Cell-I.

Physical Standard For Male -

1. Height General Category- 172 Centimeter 
2. Height Reserve Categories- 169

3. Chest General Category- 83 Centimeter (Unexpanded) to 87 Centimeter (expanded) 
4. Chest Reserve Category- 81 Centimeter (Unexpanded) to 85 Centimeter (expanded) 

Physical Standard For Female-

1. Height General Category- 160 Centimeter 

2. Height Reserve Categories- 157

Physical Screening Test (PST):

All candidates shall be put to a Physical Screening Test carrying maximum of fifteen marks to judge their physical fitness and endurance. The qualifing standards prescribed for this test shall be as under:- 
1. Male- 5.0 Kilometer in 25 Minutes 
2. Female- 2.5 KM in 15 Minutes
3. Ex-Serviceman- 2.5 KM in 13 Minutes 

Knowledge Test (KT) for Advt. 01/2017 and 03/2017

All those candidates who qualify the Physical Screening Test shall be given a Knowledge Test of 60 marks comprising of objective type, multiple choice questions with a provision of negative marking.

Syllabus for Haryana Police Knowledge Test and Paper Pattern-

i. All those candidates who qualify the Physical Screening Test shall be given a Knowledge Test of 60 marks comprising of objective type multiple choice questions with the provision of Negative Marking. 
ii. The Knowledge Test shall be of objective type having 100 multiple choice questions of 60 marks and 90 minutes of duration. 
ii. The medium of examination shall be Hindi expect English Language questions. 
iv. For each incorrect answer 0.15 marks shall be deducted. 
v. The test paper shall be included question on General Studies, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Reasoning, Current Affairs, Numerical Ability, General Science, Aptitude, Relevant Field/Trade etc. 

vi. The standard of questions will be of 10+2 level.  

Knowledge Test (KT ) and Skill Test for Advt. 02/2017 only  

Cat. No.1 Mounted Armed Police (MAP):- 
The marks of ‘Knowledge Test’ (KT) will be of 40 marks only and there shall be a ‘Riding Skill Test’ (RST) of 20 marks. Further, the Knowledge Test containing questions about the general knowledge, upkeep, maintenance & management of Horses shall be conducted of all those candidates who qualify the Physical Screening Test. 
Cat. No.2 Male Constable Bandsman:- 
The marks of ‘Knowledge Test’ (KT) will be of 40 marks only and there shall be a ‘Band Skill Test’ (BST) of 20 marks. Further, the Knowledge Test containing questions about the general knowledge, maintenance & management of Musical/Band Instruments shall be conducted of all those candidates who qualify the Physical Screening Test.  

Scrutiny of documents: 

(a) The category-wise score achieved in Knowledge Test of the last candidate on the list of candidates numbering twice the vacancies shall be ascertained. All candidates scoring five marks less than the said score or more marks shall be called for scrutiny of documents. All other candidates shall stand eliminated from the further process of selection. 
(b) Claim of reservation benefit or for relaxation and/or for extra marks if any, shall be admissible to only those candidates, who submit the requisite valid original certificate for scrutiny, in support of their claim before Physical Screening Test and Interview cum Personality test failing which, they may be considered under general category provided they are otherwise eligible. Information in this regard will be displayed on official website of the Haryana Staff Selection Commission 

Physical Measurement Test (PMT): 

The candidates after PST, KT and the scrutiny of documents shall undergo Physical Measurement Test as per standard prescribed under Punjab Police Rule 12.15 (2) read with 12.16 (8) (c).

Interview-cum-Personality Test:- 

(i) Candidates shall be called for Interview–cum-Personality Test on the basis of their combined scores in Physical Screening Test + Knowledge Test + Physical Measurement Test upto three times the numbers of vacancies in each category. 
(ii) WEIGHTAGE/ADVANTAGE SCORE For Advt. No. 03/2017 Only 
Diploma in Electronics/Electronic & Communication Engineering/ IT/ Instrumentation Engineering/ Computer Engineering with minimum 55% marks from Polytechnic Institute recognised by the State/Central Technical Board of Education. = 10 Marks  
Bachelors Degree in Electronics/Electronic & Communication Engineering/ IT/ Instrumentation Engineering/ Computer Science Engineering with minimum 55% marks from a university/Institute recognized by the University Grant Commission (UGC)/All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)= 20 Marks 
(iii) The Interview-cum-Personality Test (IP-T) shall be maximum 5 marks.

Haryana Police Previous Question Paper, Solved Question Paper and Answer Key 

For previous Question Paper  Click here
For previous Question Paper Click here
For previous Solved Question Paper, Answer Key and Official Answer key Click here
For previous Solved Question Paper, Answer Key and Official Answer key Click here

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