5 Aug 2016

Changes In JEE (Main) 2017 Selection Pattern

Ministry of Human Resource Development 

Department of Higher Education

The IIT Council in its meeting held in October 2015 has constituted a Committee of Eminent Persons to suggest ways for improving the system of Joint Entrance Examination (JEE). 
The Committee has, after due consultation with the stakeholders, has· submitted its report to Government, recommending, among other things, to do away with the weightage given to the 12th Class examination marks in the JEE (Mains) ranking. 

The report of the Committee was examined In consultation with the stakeholders and the Departments of the School Education/Higher Education and the following changes have been approved by the Chairman IIT Council in the JEE pattern for 2017: 

a) There shall be no weightage for the 12th class marks in calculating the ranks in the JEE Main exam. 

b) For the candidates to qualify for admission in the IITs/NITs/IIITs and such other CFTIs whose admissions are based on the JEE ranks, they should have secured at least 75% marks in the 12th Class exam, or be in the top 20 percentile in the 12th class exam conducted by the respective Boards. 

For SC/ST students the qualifying mark would be 65% In the 12th Class exam. 

There is no other change in the JEE examination system for 2017.

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