Central University of Haryana
Updated on 30.07.2016
Counselling Schedule for B.Voc.
The counselling for the following programmes under Deen Dayal Upadhayay Kaushal Kendra shall be held in the Conference Hall at Central University of Haryana Mahendergarh as per below mentioned schedule:
S.No Programme Counselling Date & Time
1 B.Voc (Retail & Logistics Management) Wed.day, 03 August 2016, 11.00 Hrs
2 B.Voc (Biomedical Science) Thursday, 04 August 2016, 11.00 Hrs
3 B.Voc (Industrial Waste Management) Friday, 05 August 2016, 11.00 Hrs
The candidates are required to come along with following documents in original for verification and a set of attested copies for the same to be deposited at the time of counselling.
1) Date of Birth Certificate/ Proof of Age
2) Mark-sheet & Certificate – Matric.
3) Mark-sheet & Certificate –Sr. Secondary.
4) Mark-sheet & Certificate –UG. ( If any)
5) Mark-sheet & Certificate –PG (If any)
6) Migration Certificate
7) Gap Year Certificate/ Certificate in respect of intervening period, if applicable
8) Character Certificate.
9) Experience Certificate. (If any)
10) Admission Category Certificate (As Applicable)
11) Anti-Ragging Affidavit (Stamp Paper of Rs 10)
12) Fees Demand Draft in favour of Central University of Haryana for Amount Rs 07,000/- (First semester details as Rs 2,000 Security Refundable, Semester Fee Rs 5,000/-)

B.Voc. (Retail and Logistics Management)
B.Voc. (Industrial & Waste Management)
B.Voc. (Biomedical Sciences)
Cut off List
B.Voc. (Industrial & Waste Management)
B.Voc. (Biomedical Sciences)
The admission committee as approved for DDUKK shall be entrusted with the counselling