18 Jun 2016

CRSU, Jind Recruitment of Non-Teaching staff 2016

Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind


Advertisement No.:06/2016 Date: 17.06.2016


Last Date for Online Submission of Applications- 16th July, 2016
Last date for fee payment- 19th July, 2015 
Last Date for Receipt of Print copy of Application (By registered/Speed post): 26th July,2016 upto 5:00 PM.

Applications are invited for the following Non-Teaching Positions for Direct Recruitment on Regular Basis: 

Sr. No. Name of the post No. of Post Pay-Scale 

1. Controller of Examination- 01 (UR) Rs. 37400-67000+10000 GP 
2. Deputy Registrar- 01 (UR) Rs. 15500-39100+7600 GP 
3. Audit Officer- 01 (UR) Rs. 15600-39100+7600 GP 
4. Finance Officer- 01 (UR) Rs. 15600-39100+6000 GP 
5. Assistant Librarian- 01 (UR) Rs. 15600-39100 + 6000 G P 
6. XEN (Civil)- 01 (UR) Rs. 15600-39100+6000 cP 
7. Assistant Registrar- 02 (UR) Rs. 15600-39100+5400 GP 
8. System Analyst- 01 (UR) Rs. 15600-39100+5400 GP 
9. SDO (civil)- 01 (UR) Rs. 9300-34800+5400 GP 
10. Private Secretary to V.C.- 01 (UR) Rs. 9300-34800+4200 GP+200 SP 
11. Superintendent- 02 (UR) Rs. 9300-34800+4200 GP 
12. Deputy Superintendent- 01 (UR) Rs. 9300-34800+4000 GP+150 SP 
13. Security Officer- 01 (UR) Rs. 9300-34800+4000 GP 
14. JE (civil)- 01 (UR) Rs. 9300-34800+4000 GP 
15. Sports Coach- 01 (UR) Rs. 9300-34800+4000 GP 
16. PA- 01 (UR) Rs. 9300-34800+4000 GP 
17. Store Keeper- 01 (UR) Rs. 9300-34800+3600 G P 
18. Hostel Warden (Female)- 01 (UR) Rs. 9300-34800+3600 GP 
19. Driver- 02 (UR) Rs. 5200-20200+2400 GP+300 SP 
20. Female Caretaker- 01 (UR) Rs. 5200-20200+2400 GP 
21. Electrician- 01 (UR) Rs. 5200-20200+2400 GP 
22. Plumber- 01 (UR) Rs. 5200-20200+2400 GP 
23. Clerk cum DEO- 03 (UR) Rs. 5200-20200+1900 cP+40 SP 
24. Peon- 03 (UR) Rs. 4440-7440+7300 GP+30 SP 
25. Cook- 03 (UR) Rs. 4440-7440+7300 GP+30 SP 
26. Grounds Man- 04 (UR) Rs.4440-7440+1300 c P 
Total 38 

1. Only those possessing prescribed qualifications may apply online latest by 15th July 2016. Thereafter, website link will be disabled. The candidates are strictly advised to apply online will in advance without waiting for the last date of submission of online form. The applicants are required to submit the printed copy of online application form along with self-attested copies of relevant testimonials (from Matriculation onwards) by 26'n July 2016 up to 5:00 P.M.

2. Separate application form is required to be submitted for each post along with requisite fee. 

3. The eligibility of candidates will be determined as on the last date fixed for receipt of application forms. 

4. The candidates who had applied for any of the above posts in response to the previous Advertisement No. 8/2014 shall have to apply a fresh, 
To apply online Click here 
For Important Instruction Click here
For Qualifications Click here

Application/processing fee: 

(i) For the posts Sr. No.1 to 11- Rs. 600/- 
(Rs.150/- for SC/ST/PWD/BC). 
(ii) For the posts Sr. No. 12 to 26 - Rs. 400/- 
(Rs. 100/- for SC/ST/PWD/BB). 
(iii) Mode of Payment: through online and e- Challen by 15th July,2015. 
The ESM candidates (self) of Haryana State only are exempted from application fee. 

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