16 May 2016

Education Department Computer Teacher Written Exam. Schedule & Syllabus

Updated on 20.05.2016

Notice to Petitioners Regarding Hard Copy 

Reference Haryana school shiksha Pariyojna Parishad's Advt. No. RMSA/ADMN/ICT/201 6/43927 dated 17.03.2016 regarding filling up posts of computer Instructors (Cl) and Junior Computer Instructors(JCI). The written examination for the post of Cl and JCI will be held on 29.05.2016. As per the direction of the Hon'ble Punjab and Haryana High Court dated 21.04.2016 in CWP No. 7240 of 2016 & dated 18.05.2016 in CWP No. 9809 of 2016, a total of 401 applicants have been permitted to take part in the selection process provisionally, subject to their eligibility on other counts, on submission of hard copies of their application form. 
All such applicants/petitioners who have obtained the aforesaid relief from the Hon'ble Punjab and Haryana High Court in CWP No. 7240 of 2015 and CWP No. 9809 of 2016, are hereby directed to submit hard copy of their application in the o/o Deputy Director (Administration), Haryana schoot Shiksha Pariyojna Parishad (HSSPP), Shiksha sadan, 3rd floor, sector- 5, Panchkula latest by 05:00 PM on 24.05.7016. No application will be received after the said date

Original Post

Haryana School Shiksha Pariyojna Parishad's 

Advt. No. RMSA/ADMN/lCT/2016143927 dated 17.03.2016 

Schedule of Written Exam.

Haryana School Shiksha Pariyojana Parishad will hold the Written Examination for the post of Computer Instructor (Cl) and Junior Computer Instructor (JCl) on 29.05.2016. 

Syllabus for Computer Teacher & Junior Computer Teacher 

The Pattern of the Examination shall be as under: 

The exam. for both categories i.e. Computer Instructor & Junior Computer Instructor will be of objective type carrying 100 Multile Choice Questions on the topic of Computer Science, Mathematics & Reasoning/Mental/Analytical ability.

The difficulty level of the exam will be as per basic/essential qualification for the post i.e graduation level for Computer Instructors and 12th level for Junior Computer Instructors. 
Each question shall carry one mark. There will be 1/3rd Negative Marking for wrong answers. 

For fee confirmation list Click here
For further information visit www.recruitment-portat.in and www.hsspp.in 

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