29 Apr 2016

HPSC Assistant Professor (college cadre) Application Date Extended


Assistant Professor (College Cadre) Application Date extended 

In continuation of Advertisement No. 10/2016 published on 16.02.2016 and In continuation of corrigendum dated 15.03.2016 in various newspapers for filling up of 1647 posts of Assistant Professor (college cadre) for various subjects, it is hereby announced for the general information of the candidates that Commission has received representations from the candidates as well as from the Govt. regarding extension of last date for submission of online application forms for the above posts as they could not apply due to non declaration of their result of NET for which examination held in Dec 2015.
Keeping in view all the prons & cons ot the matter, the commission has decided to extend the last date for submission of online application forms for the above posts
Accordingly, all the candidates who had not applied earlier can now apply online for these posts upto 10.05.2016 (13.05.2016 for depositing the fee in the banks). 
The term and conditions as elaborated in the Advt. No.10/2016 dated 16.02.2016 and corrigendum dated 15.03.2016 will remain the same except the eligibility of candidates with regard to educational qualifications etc. will be determined as on 10.05.2016 i.e. closing date. 
(i) The candidates who had applied earlier need not apply again as their previous online applications will be considered if they fulfill all other eligibility conditions.
Candidates are directed not to send the hard copies of their online application forms at this stage. However, they are further directed to take print of their online application forms and keep the same with them. The same can be required by the Commission at a later stage.
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