24 Jan 2016

Recruitment of Clerks in NDRI Karnal



Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment of temporary post of Lower Division Clerk at Main Station, NDRI, Karnal and its Regional Station, Bangalore as per details given below:- 

Scale of Pay- 

Pay Band-1, Rs.5200-20200 + 1900 Grade Pay 

No. of Post(s)- 

Main Station, NDRI, Karnal- 
02 – Unreserved 
01 – Unreserved(PHC-OH) 
01 – Reserved for SC 
01 – Reserved for OBC 
Regional Station, SRS of NDRI, Bangalore- 
01– Unreserved 

Essential Qualification-

(i) 12th Class or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University 
(ii) A typing speed of 35 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi on computer. 
(35 w.p.m. and 30 w.p.m. correspond to 10500 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word) 


The last date of receipt of application in the Institute is 09.02.2016. Now, the last date may read as 16.02.2016 instead of 09.02.2016. The corrigendum will be appeared in Employment News and Dainik Bhaskar shortly. 


18 to 27 years.
The Maximum age limit for Council’s employees will be relaxable up to 45 years.
The crucial date for determining the age limit & qualification in each case will be the closing date for receipt of applications i.e. 16.02.2016. 
The upper age limit is relaxable in case of SC/ST/ OBC as permissible under the rules. (5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC). 
Age relaxation for Physically Handicapped candidates is applicable to 10 years (15 years for SCs/STs and 13 years for OBCs). 


Two years. 

Examination fee

Examination fee (Non-refundable) of Rs.100/- (Rs. One Hundred only) is to be sent in the shape of Bank Draft only drawn in favour of “ICAR-UNIT-NDRI” payable at Karnal issued after the date of publication of Advertisement & written on the back the name of the candidate and post name. 
Candidate belonging to SC/ST &PH are not required to pay any fee. 
Women candidates are also exempted to pay application fee. 
OBC candidates are not exempted and they are required to pay the full prescribed fee. 

Syllabus and scheme of examination- 

Will be available in due course 

General instructions for the above post:- 

1. The prescribed essential qualifications are minimum and enhanced qualification does not entail candidates to be called for Written Test/Typing Test. Where the numbers of applications received in response to the Advertisement are large and it will not be convenient or possible for the Institute to call all those candidates for written test/typing test, the Director,NDRI, Karnal reserves the right to fix the criteria for calling the candidates on the basis of qualification & experience etc. After screening the applications, the candidates will be called for written examination/typing test. 
2. No candidate will be paid TA for taking written/typing test. 
3. These posts are non-government under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, which is an autonomous body and will be governed by New Pension Scheme 2004 introduced by Govt. of India with other service conditions mutatis-mutandis and as amended from time to time. 
4. All posts are temporary but likely to continue. Candidates must ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions for these posts with regard to qualifications and age. 
5. Persons already in employment should route their application through proper channel which should reach to the Institute within the closing date failing which his/her application will not be considered. 
6. Candidates are advised to send self attested copies of each testimonial in support of their qualification or any other authentic document in support of their age alongwith mark-sheets and caste certificates as applicable etc. with their applications. 
7. The application should be addressed to the Sr.Admn.Officer, E-III(M) Section, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-132 001 in the proforma appended strictly type-written accompanied by a latest passport size photograph affixed thereon duly self attested.
Application Proforma and advertisement are also available on the Institute Website "www.ndri.res.in. 
8. Application not accompanied by the prescribed fee or incomplete or defective or unsigned declaration or without certified copies of their certificates viz. without proof of qualification, age and caste certificate shall be summarily rejected. No representation or correspondence regarding such rejection shall be entertained under any circumstances. 
9. The candidates may submit their application strictly in the prescribed proforma as given in Annexure-I fill up the column in their own handwriting. The envelope containing the application form should super-scribed in bold letters as Application for the post of Lower Division Clerk. 
10. The selected candidates will be posted at Karnal and its Regional Station, Bangalore. However, appointee will be liable to serve in any Institute(s) of ICAR located anywhere in India. 
11. Earlier Advertisement No. 1-170/09/E.II(T)/03-2014 appeared in the Employment news on 4-10th October, 2014 and Advt. No.1-10/Estt./Rect.SRS/2014-15 in Employment news paper appeared on 6-14th Nov., 2014 for the post of Lower Division Clerk may be treated as cancelled. Those who are already applied for the said post against the said advertisement may also be required to apply fresh. 
12. All further instructions will appear only at the NDRI website: http://www.ndri.res.in/ndri/Design/Index.html

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