1 Oct 2015

Qualification for PGT Political Science Changed


Reference Haryana Staff Selection Commission's Advt. No. 4/2015, dated 28.6.2015. In the said advertisement 424 posts of PGT Political Science, category No. 13 (Non Mewat) & 10 posts of PGT Political Science, category No. 29 (Mewat cadre) were advertised.
The Essential Qualification (E.Q) for these posts were- 

M.A. Political Science with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university. 

Now Govt. has decided to amend the essential qualification for the post of PGT Political Science (Vide Memo No. 8/6-2015 Co(1), dated 28.09.2015) which now may be read as under:- 

i) E.Q. 

M.A. Political Science or M.A Public Administration with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university. 
The eligible candidates of above category who could not apply earlier may apply now up to 22.10.2015. 

Last Date Extended For TGT-PGT 

Updated on 21.09.2015

Reference Haryana Staff Selection Commission's Advt. No. 3/2015, 4/2015, 5/2015 and 9/2015, dated 28.6.2015, 02.072015 and 23.07.2015 which were published in various newspapers on 29.6.2015, 03.07.2015 and 24.07.2015, vide above Advertisement online application forms were invited for various posts of PGT and TGT through Haryana Staff Selection Commission website i.e. http://www.hssc.gov.in. from 21st August 2015 to 21st September, 2015. 
Keeping in view the convenience of the candidates, the last date for applying online against these Advt. 3/2015, 4/20I5, 5/2015 and 9/20I5 is hereby extended up to 12th October 2015 till 05:00 P.M. through Haryana Staff Selection Commission website http://www.hssc.gov.in. Thereafter, website link will be disabled. 
The last date for deposit of Fee is also extended up to 15th October, 2015. 
Others terms and conditions of the Advertisement Nos. 3/2015, 4/20I5, 5/2015 and 9/2015 dated 28.6.2015, 02.072015 and 23.07.2015 remain the same. 

Original Post 

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)

Advt. No. 4 /2015 Date of publication: 28th June2015 

Online applications are invited for direct recruitment for the under mentioned 6874 posts of (PGT)‐ H.E.S.‐II (Group‐B Services) using the website of Haryana Staff Selection Commission i.e www.hssc.gov.in. The online application can be filled up from 21st August 2015 to 21st September 2015; thereafter website link will be disabled. Thecandidates are strictly advised to apply online well in advance without waiting for last date of submission of online application form. The printed copy of the online application form with necessary certificates must be brought at the time of verification/scrutiny-cum -interview. No offline application form or copy of downloaded application form will be accepted by the office. Qualifications/ eligibility conditions, age and other documents (except HTET) will be determined with regard to last date fixed to apply onlineapplications also called as closing date i.e. 21st September 2015 given in the advertisement. The details of the posts are as under: ‐ 




(a) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject.
(b) Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test (HTET)/School Teachers Eligibility Test (STET) of respective subject for the post applied, conducted by Board of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani.
Note- The candidates those who are having/passed HTET till the date of interview after advertisement will be allowed for interview on the basis of acquiring HTET (Test) till the date of interview.
(c) Consistent good academic record (See Note‐2).
Applications of candidates not having consistent good academic record will be accepted provisionally as per directions of Hon’ble Punjab & Haryana Court, Chandigarh
passed in CWP No. 19747 of 2014 titled as Rakesh Kumar &Another Vs. State of Haryana, subject to final decision of the said CWP.
(d) Essential qualification (EQ) is given with each post.


18‐42 years, relaxation as given in special instructions. 
For working teachers upper age relaxation (See Note-3).

Pay Scale:-

Rs.9300‐34800 (PB-2) with a grade pay of Rs. 4800/‐

Key Dates-

Closing date for submission of online applications: 21st September 2015
Closing date for deposit of fee : 24th September 2015


Detail of Posts (Except Mewat) Category No. 1 to 18 
1. PGT Biology- 101 
2. PGT Chemistry - 442 (Including 102 posts of SC’s Backlog) 
3. PGT Commerce - 337 
4. PGT Economics - 366 
5. PGT English - 649 
6. PGT Geography - 272 (Including 38 posts of SC’s Backlog) 
7. PGT Hindi - 367 
8. PGT History - 398 
9. PGT Home Science - 193 (Including 16 posts of SC’s Backlog) 
10.PGT Mathematics - 1427 (Including 181 posts of SC’s Backlog) 
11.PGT Physical Education - 18 
12.PGT Physics -687 (Including 98 posts of SC’s Backlog) 
13.PGT Political Science - 424 
14.PGT Psychology - 49 (Including 7 posts of SC’s Backlog) 
15.PGT Punjabi - 179 (Including 22 posts of SC’s Backlog) 
16.PGT Sanskrit - 626 (Including 89 posts of SC’s Backlog) 
17.PGT Sociology - 157 
18.PGT Urdu - 8 (Including 1 post of SC’s Backlog) 
For more information visit the official website www.hssc.gov.in

Total No. of Posts.- 6874

Educational Qualification-

Cat. No. 1 PGT Biology
E.Q. M. Sc. Zoology/ Botany/ Bio‐Sciences/ Bio‐Chemistry/ Genetics/ Micro‐Biology/ Plant Physiology/ Bio‐Technology/ Life Sciences/Molecular Bio with at least 50% marks provided that the applicant had studied Botany & Zoology at Graduation Level and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 2 PGT Chemistry
E.Q. M.Sc. Chemistry or Bio‐Chemistry with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university

Cat. No. 3 PGT Commerce
E.Q. M.Com. with Accounting/Cost accounting/Financial accounting as a major subject of study with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university. Holders of degree of M.Com in Applied/BusinessEconomics shall not be eligible.

Cat. No. 4 PGT Economics
E.Q. M.A. Economics/Applied Economics/Business Economics with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat.No.5 PGT English
E.Q.:- M.A. English with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 6 PGT Geography
E.Q. M. A. Geography with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 7 PGT Hindi
E.Q. M.A. Hindi with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized

Cat. No. 8 PGT History
E.Q. M.A. History with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 9 PGT Home Science
E.Q. M.Sc. Home Science with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 10 PGT Mathematics
E.Q. M.A. Mathematics/M. Sc. Mathematics/Applied Mathematics with Mathematics as one of the subjectat Graduation level with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 11 Physical Education.
E.Q. M.A. Physical Education or M.P.Ed. with at least 50% marks; and 
Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed) or Diploma in Physical Education (D.P.Ed) or its equivalent from a recognized university.

Cat. No. 12 PGT Physics
E.Q. M. Sc. Physics/Applied Physics/Nuclear Physics/Electronics Science with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 13 PGT Political Science
E.Q. M.A. Political Science with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 14 PGT Psychology
E.Q. M.A. Psychology with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 15 PGT Punjabi
E.Q. M.A. Punjabi with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 16 PGT Sanskrit
E.Q. M.A. Sanskrit with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No.17 PGT Sociology
E.Q. M.A. Sociology with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 18 PGT Urdu
E.Q. M.A. Urdu with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.


Detail of Posts (Mewat Cadre) Category No. 19 to 34 
19. PGT Chemistry - 24 
20. PGT Commerce - 06 
21. PGT Economics - 05
22. PGT English - 08 
23. PGT Geography - 11 
24. PGT History - 02 
25. PGT Home Science - 05 (Including 1 post of SC’s Backlog) 
26. PGT Mathematics - 54 (Including 11 post of SC’s Backlog) 
27. PGT Physical Education - 02 
28. PGT Physics - 20 (Including 1 post of SC’s Backlog) 
29. PGT Political Science - 10 
30. PGT Psychology - 02 
31. PGT Punjabi - 01 
32. PGT Sanskrit - 06 
33. PGT Sociology - 03 
34. PGT Urdu - 15 (Including 4 post of SC’s Backlog)
For more information visit the official website www.hssc.gov.in

Cat. No. 19 PGT Chemistry (MWT) 
E.Q. M.Sc. Chemistry or Bio‐Chemistry with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 20 PGT Commerce (MWT) 
E.Q. M.Com. with Accounting/Cost accounting/Financial accounting as a major subject of study with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university. Holders of degree of M.Com in Applied/BusinessEconomics shall not be eligible.

Cat. No. 21 PGT Economics (MWT) 
E.Q. M.A. Economics/Applied Economics/Business Economics with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 22 PGT English (MWT)
E.Q. M.A. English with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 23 PGT Geography (MWT) 
E.Q. M.A. Geography with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 24 PGT History (MWT) 
E.Q. M.A. History with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 25 PGT Home Science (MWT) 
E.Q. M.Sc. Home Science with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 26 PGT Mathematics (MWT)
E.Q. M.A. Mathematics / M.Sc. Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics with Mathematics as one of thesubject at Graduation level with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 27 PGT Physical Education (MWT)
E.Q. M.A. Physical Education or M.P.Ed. with at least 50% marks; and Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed) or Diploma in Physical Education (D.P.Ed) or its equivalent from a recognized university.

Cat. No. 28 PGT Physics (MWT)
E.Q. M.Sc. Physics/Applied Physics/Nuclear Physics/Electronics Science with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 29 PGT Political Science (MWT) 
E.Q. M.A. Political Science with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 30 PGT Psychology (MWT) 
E.Q. M.A. Psychology with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No.31 PGT Punjabi (MWT) 
E.Q. M.A. Punjabi with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 32 PGT Sanskrit (MWT)
E.Q. M.A. Sanskrit with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Cat. No. 33 PGT Sociology (MWT) 
E.Q. M.A. Sociology with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized

Cat. No. 34 PGT Urdu (MWT) 
E.Q. M.A. Urdu with at least 50% marks and B.Ed. from recognized university.

Application Fee:- 

i. General Category & DESM/DFF of General Category- Rs.500/- 
ii. Scheduled Castes / Backward Classes / Ex-Service Men / Women/ Special Backward Classes / Economically Backward persons in General Castes Category of Haryana State only- Rs.125/- 
iii. Physically Handicapped of Haryana State Only- Nil

The fee should be deposited through Net banking or e-Challan in any branch of State Bank of India, State Bank of Patiala, Punjab National Bank and IDBI Bank etc. available on payment site, after 48 hours of registration of online application form.
Candidates are advised to choose their mode of payment i.e. Net banking or e-Challan while applying online.

Note 1. 
The posts indicated at category No.1 to 34 (except Cat. No.11 & 27)were advertised earlier by the Haryana School Teacher Selection Board, Panchkula vide advertisement No. 1/2014 but against these posts no recruitment process could be initiated and thereafter on the withdrawal of requisition by the Education Department, Haryana, the same were Cancelled by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission, Panchkula vide Public Notice dated 12.05.2015.
The candidates who had earlier applied against the above categories and whose detail is available on the web site of HSSC i.e www.hssc.gov.in will also be eligible against the re-advertised posts and such candidates will be exempted from the payment of application fee. However, such candidates will have to apply online afresh alongwith proof of depositing the application fee. They are required to upload the e-Challan alongwith the fresh application form and will produce the original e-challan at the time of interview/test/verification.

Note 2. 
Consistent Good Academic Record implying that out of the lower qualification i.e. Matric/10+2/Graduation than requisite minimum qualification, one must secure at least 50% marks in two lower exams and 45% marks in third lower exam. If there are only two lower exams, than one must secure at least 50% marks in one exam and 45% marks in another.

Note 3
Teachers working in privately managed Govt. Aided Schools, recognized schools and Government Schools shall be given age relaxation in upper age limit to the extent of service rendered by them as a teacher subject to a maximum of 5 years once for his/her appointment as per directions of Hon’ble Punjab & Haryana High Court, Chandigarh dated 01.06.2015 passed in CWP No. 20110 of 2014, Som Nath Vs. State of Haryana & Others and for such working teachers, upper age relaxation certificate from Head of the Institute is mandatory and must be verified by DEO & counter signed by Director of Secondary Education of the concerned State even for CBSE/Central Schools and Navodaya Vidhalaya. 

Note 4. 
33% posts in each category i.e. General, Scheduled Caste (SC), Backward Class (A) & Backward Class (B), SBC, EBPGC and Ex-serviceman (ESM) shall be reserved for women and this reservation shall be horizontal.

Note 5.
If the quota reserved for Ex-servicemen or Backward Classes remains unfilled due to non-availability of suitable Ex-servicemen or their dependents or non-availability of suitable candidates from Backward Classes there will be 2% reservation for freedom fighter/their children/grand children to that extent.

Note 6. 
Candidates having qualified Certificate of HTET/STET conducted by Board of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani only will be eligible.

Note 7. 
A member of Service appointed by the direct recruitment shall be liable to serve for a continuous period of five years in the rural area from the date of appointment.

Note 8.
Reservation in Scheduled Caste (SC), Backward Class (A) & Backward Class (B), SBC, EBPGC and Ex-serviceman (ESM) & PHC and women are only for Domicile of Haryana State.

Note 9.
Degrees/Diploma/Certificate from institution/University not recognized by Department of Education, Haryana will not be eligible.

Note 10. 
5% relaxation in qualifying marks are allowed for SC and PHC candidates.

Note 11. 
Physically Handicapped Candidates means Physically Challenged/Persons with Disabilities.

Note 12.
Detailed instructions for filling the online application form are available on the website of HARYANA STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION i.e www.hssc.gov.in

Note 13. 
In case of any enquiry/guidance/information/clarification regarding the online filling of the application form & advertisement the candidate can call at HSSC helpline Nos. 0172-2566597 on all working days from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

For more information visit the official website www.hssc.gov.in

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