1. Geographical area (‘000’ hects.) - 4421
2. Area under forests (‘000’ hects.) - 40
3. Percent Forest - 0.9
4. Cultivable area (‘000’ hects.) - 3689
5. Percent Cultivable area - 81.8%
6. Net area sown (‘000’ hects.) - 3513
7. Percent Net area sown - 97%
8. Area sown more than once (‘000’ hects.) - 2862
9. Gross cropped area (‘000’ hects.) - 6375
10. Cropping Intensity (%) - 181.47
11. Net area irrigated (Total) (‘000’ hects.) - 3102
12. a) By canals - 1345 (43.4%)
b) Tube-wells - 1757 (56.6%)
Gross irrigated area (‘000’ hects.) - 5671
13. Intensity of irrigation (%) - 183.0%
14. Percent net irrigated sown area - 88.3%
15. Fertilizer consumption (kgs/hect.) (2013-14) - 182.69 (NP Ratio 3.0:1)
16. Average rainfall (mm.) (2014) - 360.30
17. Range of Rainfall (mm.) 2014 - 93-854
18. No. of holdings (Total ) ( in lakh) - 16.17
19 a) Marginal farmers (in lakh) (Up to1 hect.)- 7.78 (48.1%)
b) Small farmers (in lakh) (1-2 hect.) - 3.15 (19.5%)
c) Others (in lakh) (Above 2 hect.) - 5.24 (32.4%)
Foodgrains Prod.2013-14(Tentative)(Lakh Tonnes) (Kharif-49.11+Rabi-126.57) - 175.68
20. Procurement (Lakh Tonnes) (Wheat- 58.56+Rice-23.91) (2013-14) - 82.47
21. GDP (Constant Prices) Agriculture and allied 2013-14 (A) - 3.2%
22. No. of tubewells (Lakh) - 7.52
23. No. of tractors (Lakh) - 2.70
24. No. of biogas plants - 58222
25. No. of Sprinkler sets - 1,47,976
26. No. of Soil Testing Laboratories - 34+3 mobile
27. No. Soil Sample annual analysis (in lakhs) - 3.40
28. Purchasing Centers in the State
i) Principal yards - 106
ii)Sub Yards - 178
iii)Purchase Centers - 192