25 Feb 2025

AIIMS Nursing Officer Recruitment Common Eligibility Test (NORCET) 8

Nursing Officer Recruitment Common Eligibility Test 2025 (NORCET) 8 

Online Application is invited for the Nursing Officer Recruitment Common Eligibility Test (NORCET) 8 for the recruitment of Nursing Officer posts at Level 07 in the Pay Matrix pre-revised Pay Band-2 of Rs.9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs.4600/-, Group-B for AIIMS New Delhi and other AIIMS as per available vacancies in the respective Institutes.

Key Dates-

The On-line applications can be done through AIIMS web site www.aiimsexams.ac.in from 24.02.2025 to 17.03.2025 up to 5:00 P.M
Online (CBT) for Stage I: NORCET Preliminary, Date: 12th April, 2025 (Saturday),
Online (CBT) for Stage II: NORCET Mains, Date: 2nd May, 2025 (Friday

Essential Qualification

a. B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing / B.Sc. Nursing from an Indian Nursing Council/stateNursing council recognized Institute or University
B.Sc. (Post-Certificate) / Post-Basic B.Sc. Nursing from an Indian Nursing
Council/State Nursing council recognized Institute/ University.
b. Registered as Nurses & Midwife with State / Indian Nursing Council


a. Diploma in General Nursing Midwifery from an Indian Nursing Council/State Nursing council recognized Institute / Board or Council
b. Registered as Nurses & Midwife in State / Indian Nursing Council.
c. Two Years’ Experience in a minimum 50 bedded Hospital after acquiring
the educational qualification mentioned above as applicable for all Participating AIIMS.
Remarks - The required two years of experience as in above is as an essential criterion and to be valid, the experience shall must be acquired after obtaining Essential Qualification, i.e. after completing residency period of the course, declaration of result & registration with State/Indian Nursing Council.

Age Limit: For all AIIMS: 

Between 18-30 Years. (As per detail on Age relaxation given in General Conditions subject to age Relaxation as per Recruitment rules of respective Institutes/Hospitals.)
All age shall be counted on the last date of closing of application form.


A) General/OBC Candidates - Rs.3000/- (Rupees Three Thousand only)
B) SC/ST Candidates/EWS - Rs.2400/- (Rupees Twenty-Four Hundred only)
C) Persons with Disabilities - Exempted
 The candidate can pay the prescribed application fee through DEBIT CARD/CREDIT CARD/NET BANKING. Transaction / Processing fee, if any, as applicable, will be payable to the bank by the candidate.
 Application fee once remitted shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
 Applications without the prescribed fee would not be considered and summarily rejected.
 Application Fees of SC/ST candidates who appear in the Examination will be refunded after declaration of results in due course of time after verification SC/ST certificate to be uploaded at a later stage.

16 Feb 2025

Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Recruitment Schedule - 2025

GDS Online Engagement Schedule-I, January - 2025

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to fill the vacant posts of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDSs) i.e. Branch Postmaster (BPM)/Assistant Branch Postmaster (ABPM)/Dak Sevaks in different offices of the Department of Posts. 
The applications are to be submitted online at the following link https://indiapostgdsonline.gov.in


1. Registration and submission of online applications 10.02.2025 to 03.03.2025 
2. Edit/Correction window 06.03.2025 to 08.03.2025


The GDSs are paid emoluments in form of Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA), which carry an annual increase of 3%, subject to fulfillment of conditions, as given in the GDS Rules. They are also entitled to Dearness Allowance on TRCA, as declared by the Govt. of India from time to time. The GDSs are also entitled to some other allowances and social security benefits, which include, GDS Gratuity and Service Discharge Benefit Scheme (akin to National Pension System applicable to regular employees), whose details are given under the GDS Rules and official website of the Department. 
The initial engagement of GDS is made in the following basic TRCA Slabs: 
1. BPM Rs.12,000/- to Rs.29,380/- 
2. ABPM/Dak Sevak Rs.10,000/- to Rs.24,470/- 


 AGE Limits: 
 i. Minimum age: 18 years Maximum age: 40 years (Relaxations in upper age limit will be given as per rules)
 ii. Age will be determined as on the last date of submission of applications. 


(a) Educational qualification for engagement of GDS is Secondary School Examination pass certificate of 10th standard with passing marks in Mathematics and English conducted by any recognized Board of School Education by the Government of India/State Governments/ Union Territories in India. 
 (b) The applicant should have studied the local language at least up to 10th Standard from a recognized board. The detail of post-wise local language prescribed by the Department is given in the Annexure-III.


 i. Knowledge of computer 
ii. Knowledge of cycling 
iii. Adequate means of livelihood 


Applications are to be submitted in the online mode only at https://indiapostgdsonline.gov.in. Applications received from any other mode shall not be entertained and no communication in this respect will be entertained/replied. 

15 Sept 2024

VLDD Admission Schedule Haryana 2024-25

VLDA Admissions in Haryana 2024-25 Schedule, Eligibility, VLDDET-2024. Admit Card, Result & Counselling 

LUVAS, Hisar has notified that for admission to Diploma courses 2024-25, the application form will be available only on the university website www.luvas.edu.in

Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP ID i.e. Family ID) of the candidate of Haryana Residence is mandatory before applying for admission in the University. The basic details of the candidate i.e. name, father’s name, category etc. in the application form will automatically be fetched from the PPP ID. In case, the details fetched from PPP ID are edited by the candidate, then the candidate is required to get his/her PPP ID updated with correct details. The candidate has to submit the updated PPP ID at the earliest in the office of IPVS, LUVAS

Important Dates for Admission to VLDD 2024-25

Date of availability of Application Form for VLDD :- 16-09-2024 
Last date of submission of online Application Form :- 
Without late fee 30-09-2024
With late fee of Rs. 600/- 04-10-2024

Date of Entrance Test: 

For VLDD: VLDDET-2024 on 27-10-2024

Application Processing Fee (Non-refundable)

Rs. 2000* /- For GC/ In-service/ GNCT Delhi/ FF/ ESM/ PwD /SSB/ J&K Resident/ Kashmiri Migrant/ EWS/ Village Riwasa (District Mahendergarh)/ wards of regular employee of LUVAS 

Rs. 500* /- For SC/ Deprived SC/ BCA/ BCB categories of Haryana State

Eligibility For Admission to VLDD Course: 

The candidates under all categories must have passed 10+2 examination in Any Stream and matriculation/10th standard examination with a minimum of 50% marks (except for SC/DSC category) from a recognized/approved board of school education having equivalence by Council of Boards of School Education (COBSE), New Delhi /CBSE/ICSE/Board of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani. Candidates will be allowed a relaxation upto 5% of the requirement for General Category i.e. the SC/DSC candidates securing a minimum of 47.5% marks in 10th standard examination will be eligible to apply for admission. 

For management quota seats, the Haryana domiciled SC/DSC, candidates will get the same relaxation in eligibility marks as the candidates applying under state quota seats. 

Note: A bridge course will be introduced only for the students who get enrolled in the VLD diploma course from non-science category in IPVS, LUVAS and all affiliated private colleges/institutes of LUVAS. This course of three months duration will be carried out simultaneously at the start of first year.


All the VLDD applicants including in-service candidates (except employees of SSB) shall have to appear in VLDDET-2024 on 27-10-2024.

Counselling and Other Details: 

The schedule of online/offline and mop-up counselling(s) and other details pertaining to admission shall be displayed on the University website www.luvas.edu.in 

Venue: (Veterinary Auditorium and Committee Room, Dean, COVS, Hisar)

For more details view prospectus PDF https://luvas.edu.in/downloads/files/n66e4358375d8b.pdf

22 Feb 2024

Final Seniority List of PRT Teachers 22.02.2024

Latest Final Seniority List of JBTs up to 2017 Batch 22.02.2024 

Directorate of Elementary Education Haryana issued the fine seniority list of JBTs up to 2017 batch for all 40781 PRT Teachers working in the State as on 21.02.2024.  

Seniority is available on the official website of Department of Elementary Education Haryana i.e. https://harprathmik.gov.in/ and Secondary Education Haryana i.e. www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in

Candidates can download the PDF Seniority List from the websites. 

To download Seniority List Click here

2 Jan 2024

शुद्ध - अशुद्ध शब्द : आचार्य मंज़र-उल वासै

 1. अभिज्ञ = ज्ञाता , जानकार

अनभिज्ञ = अन्+अभिज्ञ, ना जानकार .
2. कैलाश- मानसरोवर - अशुद्ध वर्तनी.
कैलास- मानसरोवर- शुद्ध वर्तनी (शिव जी का निवास )
' कैलास ' संस्कृत का शब्द है और इसी अर्थ में प्रयोग होता है. संस्कृत में ' कैलाश ' कोई शब्द है ही नहीं. इसी तरह खड़ी बोली ( तत्सम हिंदी ) में ' कैलाश ' कोई शब्द है ही नहीं. माननीय मोदी जी और माननीय योगी जी के प्रयोग करने मात्र से ' कैलाश मानसरोवर ' सही नहीं होजाएगा.
3. ज्योत्सना - अशुद्ध वर्तनी
ज्योत्स्ना - शुद्ध वर्तनी ( चाँदनी )
4. ओउम - अशुद्ध वर्तनी
ओ३म् - शुद्ध वर्तनी ( ओ और म् के बीच में ३ का अंक प्लुत स्वर
5. महत्व - अशुद्ध वर्तनी
महत्त्व - शुद्ध वर्तनी
6. दवाईयाँ - अशुद्ध वर्तनी
दवाइयाँ - शुद्ध वर्तनी
7. उज्जवल - अशुद्ध वर्तनी
उज्ज्वल - शुद्ध वर्तनी
8. हम प्रायः प्रयोग करते हैं ' सेठ जी ' . सेठ गोविंददास हिंदी के एक बड़े साहित्यकार हैं.
' सेठ ' शब्द ' श्रेष्ठ से बना है. ' श्रेष्ठ ' का अर्थ है। ' सर्वोत्तम ' . अतः शब्द ' श्रेष्ठतर ' या
' श्रेष्ठतम ' ग़लत प्रयोग हैं.
9. ' जगदम्बे माँ ' या ' जगदम्बा माँ ' दोनों प्रयोग ग़लत हैं क्योंकि ' जगदम्बा ' = जगत् + अम्बा . अर्थात् इसमें माँ
शब्द पहले से जुड़ा हुआ है.
10. कर्ण ने कवच-कुण्डल दान दिये ( दिए ) -- ग़लत
कर्ण ने कवच- कुण्डल दान किये ( किए )-- सही
क्योंकि दान शब्द में ' देना ' क्रिया समाहित है, इसलिए दान किया जाता है, दिया नहीं जाता

हिंदी व्याकरण एवं साहित्य 1 : आचार्य मंज़र-उल वासै

1- हिंदी वर्णमाला में (१) कितने स्वर होते हैं ( गिनती )
(२) और कौन कौन से ? (३) इनमें लघु कौन-कौन से हैं ?
उत्तर : 1-- 11 स्वर। 2- अ,आ,इ,ई उ,उ,ऋ,ए,ऐ,ओ,औ
3- अ,इ,उ, ऋ
2- देवनागरी लिपि का विकास किस लिपि से हुआ ?
उत्तर : ब्राह्मी /कुटिल
3- निम्नलिखित पंक्तियाँ किस किस कवि की लिखी हुई हैं ?
१- छोड़ द्रुमों की मृदु छाया ,
तोड़ प्रकृति से भी माया ,
बाले ! तेरे बाल- जाल में कैसे उलझादूँ लोचन ?
छोड़ अभी से इस जग को ।
उत्तर : सुमित्रानंदन पंत
२- इस करुणा कलित हृदय में अब विकल रागिनी बजती
क्यों हाहाकार स्वरों में अब वेदना असीम गरजती ?
उत्तर : जयशंकर प्रसाद (आँसू )
4- श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता का लेखक कौन है ?
उत्तर :महर्षि कृष्ण द्वैपायन व्यास
( वेद व्यास )
5- ' मोक्ष की इच्छा या कामना करने वाला '
इस शब्द समूह के लिए एक शब्द बताइए ।
उत्तर : मुमुक्षु
6- ' देवताओं ' की माता का क्या नाम था ? उन ( माता )
के पति का क्या नाम था ?
उत्तर : अदिति
7- ' गदह ( या गधा ) पचीसी ' का क्या अर्थ है ?
उत्तर : 16 से 25 वर्ष की आयु
जिसमें अनुभवहीनता के कारण
अनेक मूर्खतापूर्ण कार्य हो जाते हैं।
8- श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता में श्रीकृष्ण ने स्वयं को इन विभूतियों में क्या / किसे बताया है ? :
१-दैत्यों में २- देवर्षियों में
उत्तर : दैत्यों में प्रह्लाद
देवर्षियों में : नारद
9- निम्नलिखित से क्या तात्पर्य है ?
१- क़लम का सिपाही
२- ' मानस का हंस '
उत्तर : कलम का सिपाही
' मानस का हंस ' अमृतलाल
नागर का गोस्वामी तुलसीदास की जीवनी पर लिखा हुआ उपन्यास। अतः 'मानस का हंस '
का अर्थ है ' तुलसीदास ' ।
10- हिंदी साहित्य के इतिहास में ' आधुनिक काल ' का
जनक किसे माना जाता है ?
उत्तर : भारतेंदु हरिश्चंद्र ।

8 Nov 2023

All India Sainik School Entrance Examination (AISSEE) - 2024 Schedule

All India Sainik School Entrance Examination (AISSEE) - 2024 Schedule, Eligibility, Syllabus

NTA will be conducting the All-India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination (AISSEE)-2024 for admission to Class VI and Class IX in 33 Sainik Schools across the country, for the academic year 2024-25. Sainik Schools are English medium residential schools affiliated to CBSE. They prepare cadets to join the National Defence Academy, Indian Naval Academy and other Training Academies, for Officers. 

Ministry of Defence (MoD) has approved 19 New Sainik Schools, which operate in partnership with NGOs/private schools/State Governments. These approved New Sainik Schools function under the aegis of Sainik Schools Society. Admission to the Sainik School stream of Class VI of the New Sainik Schools, for the academic year 2024-25 is also through AISSEE-2024.

Candidates who desire to appear in the exam may read the detailed Information Bulletin for AISSEE-2024 and apply online only at https://exams.nta.ac.in/AISSEE/ between 07.11.2023 and 16.12.2023. 

Online Submission of Application Forms 

From 07.11.2023 to 16.12.2023 (Upto 05.00 PM) 

Last date for payment of fee online 

16.12.2023 (11.50 PM). Exam fee can be paid online either through debit/credit card or internet banking/UPI 

Correction of details filled in application Form on Website only

18.12.2023 to 20.12.2023

Downloading of Admit Cards 

Will be announced on the NTA website later 

Date of exam 

21.01.2024 (Sunday) 

Mode of exam 

Pen paper (OMR Sheets based) 

Paper pattern 

Multiple Choice questions 

Timings of examination

Exam for admission to Class VI: 02:00 pm to 04:30 pm 

Exam for admission to Class IX: 02:00 pm to 05:00 pm



Exam fee 

General/Wards of Defence personnel and ex-servicemen/OBC(NCL)= Rs. 650/- 

Scheduled castes/Scheduled tribes= Rs. 500/- 

Eligibility for admission to Class VI

Candidate should be between 10 and 12 years as on 31.03.2024. Admission for Girls is open for Class VI, subject to availability of vacancies. Age criteria is same as boys is detailed in the Information Bulletin.

Eligibility for admission to Class IX

Candidate should be between 13 and 15 years as on 31.03.2024 and should have passed Class VIII, from a recognised school, at the time of admission. Admission for Girls is open for Class IX, subject to availability of vacancies. Age criteria is same as boys is detailed in the Information Bulletin.

Scheme/duration/medium/syllabus of examination, list of Sainik Schools/New Sainik Schools and their tentative intake, reservation of seats, exam cities, passing requirements, important dates, etc., relating to the exam are contained in the Information Bulletin.

To download Information Bulletin- Click here